Hi Mayssam,
I have experianced the same kind of problem. I had a few cmps that
had collection and map mappings to other cmps. When I changed the
orion-ejb-jar.xml and redeployed the changes didnt take effect.

The solution seemed to be to recopy the orion-ejb-jar.xml to the
appropriate application-deployments dir. After I did that it worked

Hope this helps,

On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Mayssam Sayyadian wrote:

> Dear friends,
> i'm deploying a cmp which has a collection of other cmps as a cmp
> attribute, and i've prepared a orion-ejb-jar.xml like the following:
> <entity-deployment name="xxx" table="TABLE">
>  <primkey-mapping> ... </primkey-mapping>
>  <cmp-field-mapping name="participations">
>   <collection-mapping table="TABLE_PARTICIPATIONS">
>    <primkey-mapping>
>     <cmp-field-mapping name="id" .../>
>    </primkey-mapping>
>    <value-mapping type="MyType">
>     <cmp-field-mapping name="value">
>      <entity-ref home="Participation">
>       <cmp-field-mapping name="value" persistence-name="participation_id"/>
>      </entity-ref>
>     </cmp-field-mapping>
>    </value-mapping>
>   </collection-mapping>
>  </cmp-field-mapping>
> ...
> The problem is that when i deploy, i found orion is building his own
> tables instead of building the "TABLE" which i specified, and the worse is
> that there is no participation, and i come to SQLException which states
> participations is not a column in the table.
> it would be much appriciated if anybody could help me.
> Thnx in advance.
> --MS.

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