
you need to include the path to your in your
I don't remember if you should, but include say
in your /etc/ or whatever it was
run /sbin/ldconfig -v as root to refresh whatever the heck it is that 
linux does with that command.

it's all off the top of my head, so verify directories and command

Of course, it wouldhelp if I understood whatever language the errors are 
in, but I figure it's a decent guess ;)


Sven Lüdtke wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to set up orion using DB2 v7.1 as a data-source. The Databese
> is running on a Linux-System. Orion can access the database from a
> Windows NT System using the JDBC-Drivers provided by IBM.
> When I try to setup Orion on the same Linux-machine the DB is running
> on, using the same JDBC-Drivers, the following Exception appears:
> java.sql.SQLException: [IBM][JDBC-Treiber] CLI0647E  Fehler beim
> Zuordnen einer DB2-Umgebungskennung, RC=db2jdbc.
>         at<init>(
>         at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
>         at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>         at com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource._hnc(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._ck._ghc(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._ck._yi(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._ck._gic(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._ck._at(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._ck._at(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._wl(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._at(Unknown Source)
>         at Source)
>         at
>         at Source)
> Is anybody out there familiar with this problem ?
> Thanks!
> Sven

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