It shouldn't take this long. So there is some problem. Make sure that you have enough memory, and you aren't paging during the deploy.
I do not use jdeveloper to deploy applications during development. I use ant. It could be there is some hangup with jdeveloper during the deploy.
Also, separate your ejb entity beans in ejb.jar's from your session ejb.jar's. The entity beans do not often change, but the session ejb.jar's do change all the time. you can copy the ejb.jar for your session beans directly to your enterprise deployment directory (created during the unjaring of the ear file), and oc4j/orion will redeploy this jar file, while leaving the other jar files alone.
the elephantwalker
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gustavo Comba
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 8:34 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Very Long Deployment Time

    I'm deploying a little project with a Client Application Module and a EJB Module with several EJB (about 30 Entity and 5 Session Beans). I'm using JDeveloper 9i Release Cantidate to develop/deploy my project.
    My project compiles very fast, but when I do the deployment, it take a very long time (about 10 minutes). I'm debugging now, and I'm deploying continously, and it's very anoying!
    There is something I can do to accelerate the deployment proccess? Can I copy the .ear file directly into the "applications" directory and start the server again? Help me please!
    Thanks in advance,
            Gustavo Comba

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