Hi list,

Recently, I have updated to 1.5.2, and sometimes I get the error:
404 Not found with the URL /myapp/j_security_check.

To re-create the problem:
        1. Work on the application
        2. Log out
        3. The app must show you the initial login form
        4. Restart orion
        5. Type your login and password, and submit the form
        6. You got it! 404 Not Found
        7. Go to the starting page (protected with login form)
        8. Orion shows the login form
        9. Fill in the login form, and submit it
        10. OK. You can work in the app.

The problem is that some of our apps call j_security_check directly to
validate users, but it seems this is not possible with orion 1.5.2 (it
worked with previous versions)

Thanks in advance.

Juan Fuentes Nieto                   Essi Projects
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    t +34 977 221 182
http://www.essiprojects.com      f +34 977 230 170

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