Here is the situation (using orion 1.52, windows 2000 OS, jdk1.3.1)
I have a jar file, say my.jar which is not part of the ear or war
file and it need to be added to the classpath.

I tried this:
1. added in application.xml:
   <library path="../lib;c:\tmp\my.jar" />
2. and launch the server with
   java -jar orion.jar

This does not work. When a servlet is called, it complains that the memeber
name of a class include thing like "0e".... That is correct, because some
class in my.jar is obfuscuted and has a field name like _fld0e.

However, if I use the following to launch the server
(without the previous step 1)
java -cp "c:/tmp/my.jar;orion.jar" com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer


My question is, what is the difference between these two approaches?
"_fld0e" is a totally legal name, is it?


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