Hello Igor, Brent & Jeff (and everyone else ;-),

thanks again for your quick reply! - and
thanks for your http-redirect help!

Now I found another simple solution for setting up a servlet as a root
of a web-application. I just define my servlet in the
web.xml and map it to the url-pattern "*":

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" 
        <!-- Loadbalancer-definition: -->
        <!-- map the Loadbalancer to any url coming in:  -->

The drawback of this method is, that now _only_ the servlet can be
invoked within this instance of orion - nothing else! But for our
purposes this is just fine.


Friday, February 01, 2002, 1:21:36 AM, you wrote:

IC> Robert,

IC> What actually do you need to see on this is default
IC> computer url). You can create yourself index.html file and put it to the
IC> \orion\default-web-app orion directory.

IC> It will be  work with <servlet-webdir="">
IC> or  in the orion\config\default-web-site.xml file  you need to make next
IC> setting:

IC> <web-app application="YourApplication" name="YourSubApplication" root="" />
IC> after that you can run your servle as:

IC> Igor.

IC> ----- Original Message -----
IC> From: "Robert Virkus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
IC> To: "Igor Chirokov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
IC> Cc: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
IC> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 12:26 PM
IC> Subject: Re: automatic invocation of servlet as the root-service

>> Hello Igor & everyone out there,
>> thanks for your help,
>> I set the servlet-webdir to "" in the orion-web.xml and set the
>> welcome file in the WEB-INF/web.xml to my desired servlet
>> (<welcome-file-list>
>>        <welcome-file>com.scaraboo.servlet.Loadbalancer</welcome-file>
>> </welcome-file-list>)
>> but if I surf to the root (eg., I just get a "403
IC> Forbidden
>> Directory browsing not allowed"-Message. If I browse
>> instead, my servlet
>> is invoked as expected...
>> As you know I'd like to have my serlvet invoked each time I enter the
>> root of the server (like in
>> any further ideas?
>> thanks a lot!
>>    - Robert
>> Friday, February 01, 2002, 12:09:41 AM, you wrote:
>> IC> Hello, Robert .
>> IC> I sent to you the same message throw orion-interest e-mail(just reply
IC> on your message), but I am not sure you received it or not.
>> IC> Try next:
>> IC> Go to \orion\application-deployments\YourApplication... directory
IC> created
>> IC>
IC> YourSubApplication...
>> IC> folder with
>> IC>                                                      orion-web.xml
IC> where we
>> IC> can init
>> IC> <servlet-webdir="/NameWebDir/">
>> IC> Default is "/servlet/"
>> IC> You also can use: <servlet-webdir="">
>> IC> I hope it's help.
>> IC> Igor.
>> IC>> Hello everybody!
>> IC>>
>> IC>> I hope someone can give me a hint for my problem:
>> IC>> I want to try to use a servlet as the root of my web-application, so
>> IC>> want the servlet/com.company.mystuff.MyServlet  - servlet called,
IC> when
>> IC>> I do not specify any file in my http-request.
>> IC>>
>> IC>> So I want to map my servlet to the root of the web-application; if I
>> IC>> call "www.mycompany.com" I want to get to my servlet, rather than
>> IC>> receiving default.jsp or index.html (or a directory-browsing not
>> IC>> allowed - message).
>> IC>>
>> IC>> Thanks in advance for your help!!!
>> --
>> Robert Virkus
>> scaraboo GmbH
>> mobile Entertainment
>> Georg-Wulf-Str.4-6
>> 28199 Bremen
>> Germany
>> phone  +49 - (0)421 - 59 67 549
>> fax    +49 - (0)421 - 59 67 567
>> mobile +49 - (0)171 - 35 31 635
>> www.scaraboo.de
>> wap.scaraboo.de
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
  Robert Virkus
  Director Mobile Solutions

Robert Virkus
scaraboo GmbH
mobile Entertainment
28199 Bremen
phone  +49 - (0)421 - 59 67 549
fax    +49 - (0)421 - 59 67 567
mobile +49 - (0)171 - 35 31 635

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