Hi again..


It seems that the line

application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml  xul

in mime.types works after all – dunno what went wrong the first time ;)




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jonas Auken
Sent: 1. februar 2002
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: MIME-type extension?


Hi all


I need to extend the mime-types of Orion with the type “.xul” (XML-based User Interface Language), but I can’t seem to find the magic word that unlocks this secret.


I’ve tried adding this line to config/mime.types:

application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml  xul


And I’ve tried adding a new type via config/global-web-application.xml:






Then I’ve tried to filter the .xul files with servlet-chaining:

<servlet-chaining servlet-name=”xsl” mime-type=” application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml” />


and even servlet-mapping:






I’ve think I’ve tried every possible combination of these – what am I overlooking? Do I need to make my own servlet to handle these files?


Has anyone else had this kind of problem? And solved it?


Hope someone can shed a light in this darkness..




"Talk to the paw, mister, 'cos the whiskers don't want to know" - from 'The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents'


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