Most of this material is not specific to Orion but defined in the J2EE
specs.  Part of the process is that j_username, etc are effectively 'special
values' recognized by the app server when doing authentication, so you
really won't ever have access to these values.

But since it is defined in the spec there are very simple and standardized
ways of getting some information.  request.getRemoteUser() will tell you the
username of the current login, and request.isUserInRole(somegroup) will tell
you if the user is in a particullar role.  I don't belive there is any
standard way to find their password though (and you probably wouldn't want
there to be if you were security minded).

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian, Joanne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 9:30 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Username and Password

HI All,

I'm new to J2EE and Orion. I have set up form-based authorization using
DataSourceUserManager. Super!

>From my initial jsp and/or servlet (not the login page), I would like to
access the username of the person who just logged in.

How can I do this?  I have tried to get attributes from the ServletContext
an the session. I have also tried various other things I'd rather not
mention . . .

How can I access the values of j_username and j_password once the user has
been logged in?  

Also, where and what is j_security_check?  



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