how your web.xml file looks like

François Beauregard wrote:

>I decided to day to give a first try at Orion (1.5.3).
>I started trying to deploy an application that already runs fine under
>Tomcat / Borland AppServer.
>I have a .ear for this application
>I configured server.xml, data-sources.xml and default-web-site.xml
>server.xml :
><application name="oasis" path="../applications/OASIS.ear" auto-start="true"
>default-web-site.xml :
><web-app application="oasis" name="oasisWeb" root="/oasisWeb" />
>Here is my application.xml
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
><!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
>Application 1.2//EN" "";>
>  <display-name>OASIS Application</display-name>
>  <module>
>    <ejb>OasisBaseEJBs.jar</ejb>
>  </module>
>  <module>
>    <ejb>OasisPartyEJBs.jar</ejb>
>  </module>
>  <module>
>    <web>
>      <web-uri>oasisWeb.war</web-uri>
>      <context-root>/oasisWeb</context-root>
>    </web>
>  </module>
>In the web.xml in oasisWeb.war I only have servlet mappings and tld
>When I start Orion, the application deploys just fine but if I try to invoke
>any jsp I get an internal error (500).
>If I change Welcome.jsp to Welcome.html, it displays correctly.
>If I invoke a servlet, it is properly invoked but whenever I try to
>For a url that is a jsp I get a null result.
>Any idea?
>François Beauregard
>Pyxis Technologies
>Vice-président, recherche et développement
>Tel: (450) 681-9094
>Fax: (450) 681-5758

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