Luis María Ruiz del Portal Lázaro wrote:

> Hi all, i try to run fop in OC4J (with orion.jar). I have downloaded the 
> jaxp winter package from sun that contains the xerces.jar and xalan.jar 
> files.
> The classpath of orion has this order "ejb.jar, jndi.jar, jdbc.jar, 
> jta.jar, jaxp.jar, crimson.jar, xalan.jar, saxon.jar, tools.jar, 
> jsse.jar, jnet.jar, jcert.jar, activation.jar"
> and then xerces.jar. I have updated the xalan and xerces.jar of the 
> server but it not runs fine (the pdf file generated has 0 KB).
> When i tested fop in Tomcat, i had to delete parser and jaxp.jar and to 
> put xerces-1.2.3.jar, xalan-2.0.0.jar at the beginning of tomcat 
> classpath and it runs fine.
> What i've i got to do in the classpath to run fop correctly??
> Are xerces-1.2.3,xalan-2.0.0 from apache the same libraries than xerces 
> and xalan.jar form the Sun jaxp winter package??
> Thanks, i've this problem since three weeks ago and i don't know what to do.

I wound up putting the fop.jar file in the Orion/lib directory.


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

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