Dierk, thanks for your interesting comments.  

> The name Maanisakir / Mahn akir in the Book of Jubilees and its
>  parallel-texts (Midrash, Test Juda, Sefer ha-Yasar) presupposes akir 
>  instead of Sichem as the suburb of the region and, thus, the destruction 
>  Sichem in ~110 BC.;
>  cf. Götz Schmitt_Ein indirektes Zeugnis der Makkabäerkämpfe  Test Juda 3-7
>  und Parallelen_Wiesbaden 1983, p. 30, 53

   Ma'ansakir of Jub. 34:4 is often taken to be a combination of the names of 
two cities, Ma'an and Sakir.  (The book of Yasher, by the way, has Shabir 
king of Mahanayim.  T Judah has Makir.)  Sakir is perhaps best identified 
with Sychar in the vicinity of Shechem.  Jub. 34:4 also refers to other 
locations near Shechem.  While your argument (or is it Schmitt's?) that this 
presupposes the destruction of Shechem is interesting and worth considering, 
it seems less than conclusive and ignores some of the other data in Jubilees 
pertinent to dating.
>  Are you talking about books or traditions?

    I think you are asking for bibliography here.  A scattering of references 
    J. VanderKam, _Textual and Historical Studies in the Book of Jubilees_ 
(Missoula:  Scholars Press, 1977).
    J. Goldstein, "The Date of the Book of Jubilees," PAAJR 50 (1983) 63-86.
    G. Nickelsberg (review of VanderKam) JAOS 100 (1977) 83-89.
    R. Doran, "The Non- Dating of Jubilees:  Jub. 34-38; 23:14-32 in 
Narrative Context," JSJ 20 (1989) 1-11.
    L. Finkelstein, _Pharisaism in the Making:  Selected Essays_ (KTAV 
Publishing House, 1972) 311-12.
    J. Charlesworth (ed.), _Old Testament Pseudepigrapha_ (Doubleday, 1985) 

    I have more, but I'd have to dig.  It is relevant that CD and the Genesis 
Apocryphon appear to make use of Jubilees.  I would date both of these before 
160 BCE, but others would doubtless prefer a first century BCE date.  For 
what it's worth, Cross dates semicursive Qumran fragments of Jubilees to c. 
125-75 BCE, preferring a date of c. 100 BCE.  Unless these were autograph 
copies, an earlier date is indicated.

    Best regards,
    Russell Gmirkin
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