Perhaps this is not the bets place for this, but perhaps
those who have expertise in Hebrew can give me their two
cents worth on something. I am one of those who is
sympathetic to the viewpoint of Phillip Davies and numerous
others (e.g. Nodet, Lemche, Thompson) that the Hebrew Bible
and the religious views it promotes are post-exilic, i.e.
Persian or even hellensitic in some cases and is closer to
thew world of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the intertestimental
literature than to the social-religious environment of the
pre-exilic world. I have seen the same sort of view
expressed by some on this list (e.g. that the later chapters
of Ezekiel that refer to the Zadokites might be this late,
or that Nehemiah might be 2nd century). Though I can find
many reasons to agree with this view the one big thorn for
me in this line of thinking is the continued insistence of
many scholars that the Hebrew of the biblical texts excludes
this possibility because it is demonstrably more ancient
(i.e. pre-exilic or exilic at the latest). I have not been
able to find much in way of critical commentary on this
point and would appreciate the input of those on this list.

Bruce Wildish
Mississauga, Ontario

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