> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 05:51:35 -0800 (PST)
> From: Reinaldo Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: orion-list Re: Astrology in DSS
> Regarding "Stars" in Qumran texts.
> We find in astrology, as used by Qumran settlers, two


 (The Sun, power of reason, light, science).
> In 4Q209 frag. 23, (García Martínez), we read: "The
> South they call the South because The Great One lives
> there, and in him (he) lives blessed for ever". This
> is repeated in 4Q210, frag. 1, col II, adding "...and
> in it he lives since eternity". In astrology the South
> is the place of cosmical NOON, the place of "clear
> skies" and full light, the place of "summer" in which
> the light of the (God) Sun shines in its fullness. It
> corresponds to the house of Saggittarius, the House of
> Jove (Jehova) the House of Jupiter. This is so,
> because Jupiter's bolt of lightning clears up the
> atmosphere just as He usually does in December when
> the (God) Sun travels Jupiter's house. "The Great One"
> is obviously Jupiter. "The Almighty", "The Most High",
> "The Father of All Gods" as different from "The Son,
> (Sun) The Ruling King".It is difficult not to notice
> the striking similarity of 4QEnoch (201) Col. II, and
> Akhen-Athon's "Hym to Athon" and "Psalm 104"
> Reynaldo

You'd be wise to read the latest works by Raymond Johnson,
Chief Epigrapher for Chicago House at Thebes on this issue.
I'd refer you to my Web on the "Hidden Secret of the Kings'
Valley" but it is 'under construction'.

I'll quote from the beginning of the Web,

"No one knows the final resting place of Pharaoh Akhu En Aten and his wife
Nefert Iti. He, with his wife, raised the god of the rising sun, Ra Heru
Akhuti, to prominence, building a magnificent temple to this god at Karnak.
They did so that they could make his father a Living Great God.   The
Temple served as a Jubilee Temple for that purpose.  Then they founded a
new royal city near modern Asyut and made a whole constellation of temples
and residences [1].

The focus of that city was the worship of  Ra Heru Akhuti , the Living
Rising Sun, in the person of  Neb Maat Ra who had been raised to full
godhead in the magnificent Jubilee Temple east of the Great Temple of Amen
at Karnak.[2]

[1] Aldred, Cyril. _Akhenaten, King of Egypt._ London: Thames & Hudson,
1988. pp. 269-78.
[2] Johnson, W. Raymond. "The Deified Amenhotep III as the Living
Re-Horakhty: Stylistic and Inconographic Considerations."  _Acts 6th
International Congress of Egyptologists Turin 1991, vol. 2231-6_, pp.
231-236. "

Johnson's arguments are discussed widely elsewhere including _The Journal
Egyptian Arachaeology, 82_, 1996, pp. 65-82 plus 8 plates.  I include the
last two sentences of the abstract of the article:

 'The paper concludes with a discussion of the theological relationship
between Amenhotep III and Akhenaten expressed in their art, where Amenhotep
llI's later iconography reflects his identification with the sun's disk and
the creator-god Atum-Re, while Akhenaten's iconography emphasizes his role
as Atum's firstborn, Shu. It is suggested that the two kings ruled together
in the ritual roles of Atum and Shu as an integral part of Amenhotep 1I1's
deification programme, and that the senior king was the original focus of
his son's Aten cult.'

His works effectively solve "The Puzzle of Psalm 104" found in pp. 55-62
of _Behind The Bible_ by Hermes, (Amazon.com).  Yes, I'm Hermes
Trismegistos and the arguments in support of a United Monarchy in Israel
stemming from an incipient monotheism in Egypt now rest on shaky ground.


Tom Simms

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