In message <000d01c2611e$922bc390$0d00a8c0@luckplane>, "Dean Arnold" writes:
>So the $64K question: is the latest version J2ME compatible ?


>If not, how difficult would it be to make a J2ME
>compatible version ?

It's very easy to make the source code modifications if you limit
yourself to the .regex package (and maybe the .perl as well).  The hard
part is to set up an acceptable build system and conditional compilation
mechanism to simultaneously support multiple versions for the various
incarnations of the Java platform.  Which reminds me, I need to get back
to Didge about his proposed Ant task that uses Velocity macros for
conditional compilation.  At any rate, the changes for J2ME may be a
little more than they used to be.  It used to be that all you needed to
do was remove 'implements' and replace
Character.isWhitespace(char) calls with a custom implementation
Now you would also have to change the Hashmaps to Hashtables, the ArrayLists
to Vectors, and there may be some issue with references to Collections
Framework interfaces.  At any rate, it's not infeasible to support
J2ME and JDK 1.1.x with #ifdefs, but there has not been sufficient
demand to motivate the process of evaluating and deciding upon an
appropriate way to handle conditional compilation.  We've talked about
it and I've ranted about Java's lack of real conditional compilation
since 1996.  But you may be the first person with enough of an itch
to start scratching.  In any case, J2ME support is another way to
distinguish ORO from J2SE 1.4's java.util.regex and I think it's
a good thing.  So, as Jon is fond of saying, you just volunteered
for the job.


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