Hi all,

I'm really not sure what my issue is.  I was able to build the headnode without issue and create an image.  When I try to deploy an image it never gets to the deploying stage.  I see it load the initrd and ramdisk without issue, network card becomes ready and then it just goes to my_modules prompt.  It seems like the script to do the install does not get pushed down maybe? its hard to debug on the client side as it doesn't write anything of interest anywhere.  Anyone have an idea what the issue could be?

Here is a the log file.  I did the Install Mode, click DHCP server, select network boot and rebooted the client.  I tried this on a IBM Thinkpat T410, Dell R1950 so far and both do the same thing. 

== oscar_wizard: Starting...
[WARNING – oscar_wizard] oscar_wizard: There is an OSCAR Wizard lockfile that says a process is still running with process id 2962. Checking if that is true...
[INFO – oscar_wizard] oscar_wizard: There is no process running with process id 2962.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] oscar_wizard: Removing lockfile /tmp/.oscar_wizard_lockfile and continuing.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Checking system-sanity...
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with oscar_testing_path and returning /usr/lib/oscar/testing
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with oscar_apitests_logdir and returning /var/log/oscar/apitests
[ACTION – oscar_wizard] About to run: LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/apitest -o /var/log/oscar/apitests -v -f apitests.d/system-sanity.apb
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Test system-sanity.apb succeeded.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] system-sanity OK.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Loaded OSCAR configuration (at oscar_wizard:227)
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Loaded OSCAR configuration (at Database.pm:955)
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Detected distro: centos-6-x86_64
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Setup Distros: centos-6-x86_64
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Oscar version: 6.1.2svn01062015
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with oscar_testing_path and returning /usr/lib/oscar/testing
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with oscar_apitests_logdir and returning /var/log/oscar/apitests
[ACTION – oscar_wizard] About to run: LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/apitest -o /var/log/oscar/apitests -v -f apitests.d/before_netboot_setup.apb
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Test before_netboot_setup.apb succeeded.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Ready to enter step "netboot_setup"

== Running step 8 of the OSCAR wizard:Setup networking
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Loaded OSCAR configuration (at Database.pm:981)
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Loaded OSCAR configuration (at Database.pm:445)
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Dump for ARRAY(0x1f2d658): (populate_MAC)
$VAR1 = [
'node_id' => '2',
'ip' => '',
'name' => 'eth0',
'id' => '3',
'mac' => 'F0:DE:F1:47:BB:E4',
'network_id' => undef
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Adding F0:DE:F1:47:BB:E4 for client uhouhpc02 to global MAC list.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] ****** Clients ******
$VAR1 = {
'imagename' => 'CentOS66GOLD',
'proccount' => undef,
'name' => 'uhouhpc02',
'hostname' => 'uhouhpc02',
'domainname' => undef,
'gpucount' => undef
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Loaded OSCAR configuration (at Database.pm:445)
[INFO – oscar_wizard] **** Client Adapter (uhouhpc02) ****
$VAR1 = [
'node_id' => '2',
'ip' => '',
'name' => 'eth0',
'id' => '3',
'mac' => 'F0:DE:F1:47:BB:E4',
'network_id' => undef
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Loaded OSCAR configuration (at Database.pm:955)
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Performing stop on flamethrower service.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with flamethrower_service and returning systemimager-server-flamethrowerd
[INFO – oscar_wizard] About to run: LC_ALL=C /sbin/service systemimager-server-flamethrowerd stop
Stopping Flamethrower daemon: ok.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Performing stop on bittorrent service.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with bittorrent_service and returning systemimager-server-bittorrent
[INFO – oscar_wizard] About to run: LC_ALL=C /sbin/service systemimager-server-bittorrent stop
Stopping SystemImager's BitTorrent Transport: systemimager-server-bittorrent... stopped.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Setting service flamethrower to off...
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with flamethrower_service and returning systemimager-server-flamethrowerd
[INFO – oscar_wizard] flamethrower is already off
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Setting service bittorrent to off...
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with bittorrent_service and returning systemimager-server-bittorrent
[INFO – oscar_wizard] bittorrent is already off
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Performing restart on rsync service.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with rsync_service and returning systemimager-server-rsyncd
[INFO – oscar_wizard] About to run: LC_ALL=C /sbin/service systemimager-server-rsyncd restart
Stopping rsync daemon for systemimager: stopped.
Starting rsync daemon for systemimager: ok.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Setting service rsync to on...
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with rsync_service and returning systemimager-server-rsyncd
[INFO – oscar_wizard] rsync is already on
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Successfully enabled installation mode: systemimager-rsync
----------------------- Step 8: Setting up DHCP service. -----------------------
[ACTION – oscar_wizard] Cleaning hostfile.
[ACTION – oscar_wizard] Cleaning up /var/lib/systemimager/scripts/hosts
[INFO – oscar_wizard] /var/lib/systemimager/scripts/hosts not backed up. (backup already exists)
[INFO – oscar_wizard] dhcp_configfile: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
[INFO – oscar_wizard] dhcp_leases: /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
[INFO – oscar_wizard] /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf not backed up. (backup already exists)
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Retrieving IP infos for eth1.
[ACTION – oscar_wizard] Creating dhcp config file for eth1.
[ACTION – oscar_wizard] About to run: mkdhcpconf -o /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf --interface=eth1 --gateway= --imageserver=oscar_server
[DB – mkdhcpconf] querying ODA: Select Nodes.name >From Nodes Where Nodes.id='1'
--------- SQL query: Select Nodes.name From Nodes Where Nodes.id='1'
[DB – mkdhcpconf] Translated 1 to oscar_server
[DB – mkdhcpconf] querying ODA: Select Nodes.name From Nodes Where Nodes.id='1'
--------- SQL query: Select Nodes.name From Nodes Where Nodes.id='1'
[DB – mkdhcpconf] Translated 1 to oscar_server
[DB – mkdhcpconf] querying ODA: Select Nodes.name From Nodes Where Nodes.id='2'
--------- SQL query: Select Nodes.name From Nodes Where Nodes.id='2'
[DB – mkdhcpconf] Translated 2 to uhouhpc02
[INFO – mkdhcpconf] Loaded OSCAR configuration (at Network.pm:482)
[DB – mkdhcpconf] DB Query: SELECT rfc1918 FROM Networks WHERE base_ip='';
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Checking lease file (/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases).
[INFO – oscar_wizard] DHCP lease file ready.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Setting service dhcp to on...
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with dhcp_service and returning dhcpd
[INFO – oscar_wizard] dhcp is already on
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Performing restart on dhcp service.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Called getitem with dhcp_service and returning dhcpd
[INFO – oscar_wizard] About to run: LC_ALL=C /sbin/service dhcpd restart
Shutting down dhcpd: [ OK ]
Starting dhcpd: [ OK ]
[INFO – oscar_wizard] DHCP service successfully set up for interface eth1.
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Loaded OSCAR configuration (at MAC.pm:952)
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Setup network boot (PXE)
[ACTION – oscar_wizard] About to run: /usr/bin/setup_pxe -v
[INFO – setup_pxe] Loaded OSCAR configuration (at Database.pm:981)
[INFO – setup_pxe] This suspects to be an RPM based system.
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 329] Checking arguments.
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 136] Restarting atftpd
[INFO – setup_pxe] Called getitem with tftp_dir and returning /tftpboot/
[INFO – setup_pxe] Performing restart on tftp socket service.
[INFO – setup_pxe] Performing restart on xinetd service.
Stopping xinetd: [ OK ]
Starting xinetd: [ OK ]
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 139] Enabling atftpd
[INFO – setup_pxe] Setting xinetd service tftp to on...
[INFO – setup_pxe] Performing restart on xinetd service.
Stopping xinetd: [ OK ]
Starting xinetd: [ OK ]
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 151] Creating directories.
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 202] Getting pxelinux.0.
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 206] Copying default pxelinux.cfg file
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 215] Updating /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg//default file to skip local.cfg and support si_monitor.
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 234] Disabling nonexec mappings on x86_64
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 240] Copying SystemImager's message.txt to /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 305] Copying SystemImager standard boot kernel and initrd.img to /tftpboot/
2015-1-6 21:53:38 [main :: Line 312] Symlinking SystemImager standard boot kernel and initrd.img to /tftpboot//kernel and /tftpboot//initrd.img respectively
[INFO – oscar_wizard] Successfully setup network boot (PXE).



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