I am anticipating my first child around Raya time, so cannot join.

But I will give full support and doa :)


On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 1:50 PM, sweemeng <swees...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Update, SFD is on the day before RAYA...
> Any date that everyone is available?
> Thanks
> On Jul 23, 12:23 pm, sweemeng <swees...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Even better, I just registered, a team....
> > everything is tentative, except, running the event is confirm.....
> >
> > On Jul 23, 11:57 am, sweemeng <swees...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > For those who don't know, software freedom day is a day to celebrate
> > > FOSS!!!http://softwarefreedomday.org/
> > > It is on a saturday 19 Sept.
> >
> > > We don't need to have a booth, or full day exhibition, though that
> > > would be awesome, but it would be hard for muslim friends that. OR
> > > NOT....
> >
> > > Here's my plan:
> > > Plan A:
> > > SFD, buka puasa party, where everyone is invited, get everyone that
> > > knows and don't know FOSS together....
> >
> > > Plan B:
> > > Have a talk somewhere at night, where we share knowledge, this is
> > > pretty standard....
> >
> > > Plan C:
> > > Not just we going to have buka puasa, we going to do something over
> > > the night, (hackathon? frag fest?), then we going to Sahur as
> > > well.........
> >
> > > or We can hold a overnight FOSS barcamp at the same time.......
> >
> > > Plan D:
> > > is open to anyone with more idea
> >
> > > WHO'S WITH ME!!!!!
> >

.: war|ola :.
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