Say la 'open source developer'... big diff with 'non-open' one. Also why 
put such a term 'developer', instead of 'leader'? Why aim low when  you 
can aim much higher? <-- ok, ok lets stop bitching and continue the 

According to that man with the borrowed goat, it is:

1. S/he has to be an expert in a field that is niche.

2. S/he is known by a worldwide community as a top contributor.

3. S/he has global social engineering skills.

4. The contribution and expertise need not be purely technical. Let us 
look at some examples:

a. Jimmy Wales, is not known as a wikimedia developer at all but famous 
as the man who recognised the power of it to bring wikipedia to its 
present unassailable form.

b. Linus Torvalds just started with a questionable kernel for the knack 
of kicking a few professors' butts and took over the GehNuu domain and 
mindshare by not giving a damn if the others can show a degree.

c. Richard Stallman, who coded a minimalist Emacs but is the 
spokesperson for freedom in software.

In a way Dr. M is one such leader too. He recognises world class ideas 
when he sees one.

But let's say you call the bluff of the goatman and say, "Ok, show me 
how to produce more of such leaders?"

Well, in the is one such scheme to nurture 
more. From there you take a fairly good developer (in one case i dare 
take Azrul or Boh or Raja Iskandar) and allow them to go wild on the 
canvass. Key is (a) to maintain the spirit as open and not close 
whenever they smell money. Otherwise you end up with another world class 
kiasu bitch who just take in some millions and live it up in California 
Bay. Come to think of it why not the goatman do that? Can replace the 
goats with real bitchy babes.

Back to our 1Malaysia gang. You can see that Azrul/Boh/Raja has (b) 
worldclass ideas. That is really crucial. Do they dare to dream up ideas 
that  challenge the status quo? Or are they just lebih kurang 2 X 5 dan 
jangan kacau jiran pulau sana?

C'mon, 'world class' is a big word. You do not mean 'middle class' do 
you? Or 'lower class' or regional class? World means world lah. Kalahkan 
semua yang ada kat dunia ini. Don't care if its German, Russian, 
Chinese, Indian or Latino, you are one that the whole world look up to 
and bitch against instead.

Now their ideas need (c) support if you want to be part of the building 
process. Otherwise leave them be by luck they may become world level 
like the goatman again. But then, you end up with more bitching ones who 
either migrate or keep pitching non-stop.

Ideas are contagious. Don't ever introduce one if you want a un-eventful 

Actually the beauty of this idea is that you do not need millions of 
bucks to pitch it. Just pay Azrul/Boh/Raja and goatman all in less than 
RM50k per month and do not disturb them for a whole year. If they do not 
launch something of world class every quarter, then i will permanently 
stop bitching.


rafe azsnal wrote:
> What r we arguing here? Simply d concept of the criteria of what an 
> open source developer is!! As simple as that. I'm looking for a 
> guidelines which I can follow and determine what sort of help should 
> be given to those individual. The man with the goat can bitch all you 
> want and I'll definitely put it as one of the guidelines. Living proof 
> of a world developer :) right?
> rafe

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