Problem asking for govt, too much power lay into their hand, and power
corrupt. Abuse more often than more happen, if you knows where.

another is, govt is hardly the most efficient govt, lack of transparency and
layers of bureaucracy will cause problem. it is slow and
without scrutiny will make thing worst.

people will do it for money, without with right attitude and thinking of it
as easy money. people will do it with the wrong reason, without the right
idea. Lack of funding help filter out these guys.

Remember cyberjaya, it is hardly silicon valley, and btw silicon valley is
not planned by govt..

And remember many technology and invention comes from individuals and small
group, air plane is not the result of multimillion dollar project, phone is
done by a few individuals. early rocketry is by small groups, in which the
group later join nazi germany

But, with govt intervening correctly, it will work out. The internet is
mostly from govt money, earliest computer is from air defense command, and
btw in which concept in modern day OS developed.
And many product is from research grants

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE <>wrote:

> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:11 PM, Boh Yap <> wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > I tend to agree with Red, we are too far behind to let purely 'market
> > forces' do their work.
> Again I disagree. There is nothing stopping us from getting ahead. If
> Malaysia is a 3rd world country without Internet connection at most
> places, then yes, we are far behind. The tech scene here is vibrant if
> allowed to flourish and not beaten down by such grants models which
> creates a culture of dependency. So called "Entrepreneurs" are no more
> hungry to get their ideas out, instead they sit down and keep writing
> applications year after year hoping for a windfall before starting.
> An enlightened government can guide/persuade in
> > certain directions and accelerate the process, although I strongly
> > disagree that Dr.M guided us well!
> Again here I disagree about the role of the Government ( not Dr. M .
> Politics is the least of my concern here)
>  Because of HIS myopic vision we
> > have a crappy car that is hardly world-class,  where owning a car has
> > become a major drain on personal finances but we have no choice becos
> > of the poorly developed public transportion (to support the crappy car
> > industry). Plus the English vs BM language policy muckup in education
> > which is causing our Sc & Technology to fall even further behind!
> > Makes you think its better left to market forces..!
> I disagree. How about countries like China, Japan and Indonesia even
> where the English Language is also not their primary focus and most of
> them can hardly speak as well as us public school educated Malaysians.
> Language has nothing to do with this.
> >
> > But no, Gov should guide and nurture, create opportunities but you
> > need an enlighthened gov to do so. The people making decisions need to
> > understand the subject matter, or have experts on hand that do. They
> > shld help by creating opportunities, in the use of FOSS for e.g. If
> > there is a actual policy to use FOSS (instead of an advisory) that
> > would help.
> The Gov is not the only client in Malaysia. If the larger market share
> of SMEs are using FOSS due to cost effectiveness and when the Gov
> realises that this model works, they will look into implementing it in
> their depts because there are valid use cases. If I can convince a
> Financial Institution to use FOSS widely, I don't believe the Gov
> can;t be convinced to eventually shift.
> Yes there is OSCC MAMPU, but they have little actual
> > powers. And pork barrel sales tactics by the likes of MS, Oracle, SAP
> > are hard to beat if you are a independent FOSS developer. That is if
> > you really want to nuture technopreneur who produce real IP. Of course
> > if yr definition of entrepreneur as someone that can make a fast buck,
> > I'm sure Malaysia has a bunch of those that run SEO, Google Ad-Sense
> > scams that have multiple bogus sites/blogs that earn them a few
> > thousand click-thru $/mth. Is this the way to go for our high-income
> > economy?
> >
> > Story: how Sing built its bioTech industry.
> >
> > When Sing started their Inst. of Microbiological Research (may have
> > changed its name, this was in the mid 90's), they lured  80+ foreign
> > PHds, by giving them funds for research projects. These foreigners
> > headed they own project teams. The top man of the Inst. was a Sing.
> > and the no.2 man on each of those project teams are Sing. and of
> > course so were many technicians  Within a matter of about 5 years, the
> > Inst. was good enough to out-source contracts from the US, to
> > bio-engineer a rabbit (or something) for drug testing. And today Sing
> > is world class in Biot Tech, they started 15yrs ago, we are only now
> > talking about it!
> >
> > Contrast this with Msia, an equivalent Inst. would be MIMOS, they
> > never had any 'gwailo' experts, all their top people were from a
> > certain privilaged class (too politically sensitive to mention!). And
> > after all these years they achieved .... ??
> >
> > The lessons here is gov, can play an active role, experts are
> > important irregardless of ethnicity, implementation of the policies is
> > where we fail. Sing has technocrats, we only have bureaucrats and
> > lesser...
> >
> > On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:53 PM, red1 <> wrote:
> >> i tend to agree loudly to this Brian, but my pitch is that if Malaysia
> wants
> >> to be no.1 Govt has to interfere correctly.
> >> We are not a top world economy. Tun Dr. Mahathir applied that principle
> of
> >> guided (read interference) very well to put us up there.
> >> No European country has an MDec like ours. It is there to arrest the
> slow
> >> process (USA took 200 years) of going thru evolution.
> >> We are not going to repeat wars and market crashes to reach where USA is
> >> today. We learnt from their past and thus M'sia has the benefit of
> >> hindsight, and MDec can do wonders if it applys the right pedals to the
> >> right rubber.
> >>
> >> I am frustrated with simple stuff:
> >> 1. When IAP still features kuailohs instead of us M'sians. This is not
> to
> >> ask for grants. This is not even to ask for recognition. But this is
> just to
> >> ask to stop this nonsense of looking up to others that now we have our
> own
> >> goat and mutton. This is asking for pride where pride is due. This does
> >> wonders if you put some Malaysians up there where their words can
> inspire
> >> more than just thru the inside pages of TheStar's Intech.
> >>
> >> 2. MDec asked for help but do not change the rules of the game. Today
> the
> >> game is fast-changing with its attendant processes to achieve it. We
> need
> >> not copy and paste from Singapore nor Silicon Valley. Honestly i do not
> see
> >> any borang gomen that is original. I can show you lots of principles in
> used
> >> by 1st world nations that are mind boggling. No, not that i am asking to
> be
> >> deported to those fascinating countries. I am just asking, 'learn from
> >> others in order to overtake them'. Nope, i m not saying 'copycat them'.
> I am
> >> saying look at the rules. We can change them well when it comes to us.
> >>
> >> In the end, i have a dream:
> >> "Where Malaysia need not follow others to get there. Where Malaysia
> dares to
> >> break the rules yet is correct in the end. Where Malaysia can win, win
> in
> >> its own Blue Ocean".
> >>
> >> Rafe,
> >> I am still at a lost why you suddenly blow up. I never mentioned your
> name.
> >> It was Raja Iskandar who hentam more keras than me. I do not even know
> that
> >> your CEO is who actually. They fill me in. To me i do not care and i
> dont
> >> want to know. All i want to know is when do you want to get into the
> bull
> >> ring and score your own KPI of '5 top world class developers'. I been
> >> waiting. waiting since last year. I kept going to the MDec cafe and sms
> you
> >> hoping to discuss progressively. Remember our last sit-in last year
> where
> >> Azrul, Raja, Boh and you (with Rozi) was around and you told me lots of
> >> stuff such as "Hacking contest with USD10k prize" and i pour out free as
> in
> >> no need to pay me ideas - all in the name of helping u and MDec. I never
> >> talk about getting me paid or make me look good. I talked until hoarse
> about
> >> making Malaysia look good.
> >>
> >> Sincerely if you blew up tak tentu pasal again, i am going to personally
> go
> >> there and kick your ass till the Pau Lady poster drops down.
> >>
> >> Don't make this into a personal war cos it is not. Think of our country
> >> together or else fuck it!
> >>
> >> On 5/19/10 5:26 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Let me say this. The biggest underlying problem with Malaysian
> >>> "Technopreneurs" is the reliance on Gov to provide you with funding.
> >>> While I think its great that the Gov gives out such grants, my
> >>> personal believe is that they shouldn't. Not at all. To no one, no
> >>> matter how great your idea is. This causes the exact situation we r
> >>> seeing here where people who get it sometimes abuse it ( or not) and
> >>> people who don't whine ( or not ). What happened to the real spirit of
> >>> Entrepreneurship ? What happened to starving days and running around
> >>> to get your idea across to VCs and selling your services.
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
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> >>
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> >
> >
> > --
> > #-------
> > regds,
> >
> > Boh Heong, Yap
> >
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