Huh.. Dah macam ceramah pagi..
However pun, saya mmg respect dengan semua!!
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-----Original Message-----
From: red1 <>
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 07:22:04 
To: <>

Dear Rafe,
Firstly i do not think you should aplogize because to me you did not do 
anything wrong against me personally. Alow me to continue in our 
national languge so that there is no misunderstanding.

Saya rasa saudara tidak harus memohon ampun dengan sesiapa berdasarkan 
nawaitu saudara memang jelas adalah bagi kebaikan semua. Bukanlah niat 
saudara mahu curi basikal saya atau hantuk kepala saya sampai berdarah. 
Pendek kata kerjaya dan peranan saudara adalah untuk kebaikan dan jelas 
sudah pun bawa kebaikan dibeberapa tempat. Jika tidak, saya percaya 
saudara tidak akan mendapat kepuasan kerjaya (macam saya sekitika 
dahulu) dan akan meletak jawatan.

Apa yang kita lakukan di sini dan selama ini (thanks to Raja Iskandar's 
wish) adalah untuk berdialog, berdebat maupun bercanggah pendapat kerana 
ini adalah amalan negara bebas dan berdemokrasi. Satu suara berada di 
pihak kerajaan dan satu suara berada nun jauh diseberang. Masing-masing 
ada cita-rasa tersendiri dan pandangan yang memang berbeza apatah lagi 
bertentangan. Jika kedua-dua pihak asyik bersetuju saja, apa nama 
demokrasi ini?

Cuma saya terkuis (sorry if i misuse this malay word) adalah setiap kali 
kita sampai kemuncak yang hapir klimaks hidup mati satu-satu hujah, kita 
samada merajuk atau susun sepuluh jari seolah Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 
menjelang tiba pagi ini. Tidak boleh elak sekiranya saya bersuara bukan 
Melayu kerana saya orang Muslim berbangsa Cina yang tidak mengamalkan 
beberapa perkara yang saya rasa tidak sesuai dengan apa yang saya 
belajar dari Islam. Saya berpegang kepada prinsip bebas bersuara, dan 
memohon maaf hanya sekiranya mencuri dan merampas hak orang lain atau 
apa jua yang melanggar hukum syarak lalu dituntut oleh hukum tersebut 
suapay memohon maaf terlbeih dahulu sebelum Allah mengampuni hamba. Jika 
tersilap cakap itu lumrah bahasa dan bukti semangat emosi yang sihat 
diluahkan (lebih baik dari dendam dalam hati lepas itu meletup entah pa 
jadahnya). Sahabat Nabi pun pernah bertengkak dengan Nabi sehingga 
keluar perkataan 'lu syaitan! get out of my face' (mafhumnya) dari mulut 
Nabi kepada Umar alKhattab.

Bagi saya, saya enjoy letusan mental, intelektual dan hujah demi untuk 
bersama membina masa depan negara yang mempunyai dasar yang benar, tepat 
dan berjaya. <-- waaaa, macam ceramah BTN pulak dah!

So, with that, i hope you have not put down arms and accept that i will 
strike you ***** again once i recover from my slight flu at this moment.

To Haris, maybe i need to admit that i must have really hurt his 
feelings. Itulah hari itu Eric sama Fadil ada lu tada, miss belanja 
makan kat kedai Aturcara Rahsia (Secret Recipt).

On 3/2/11 12:51 PM, rafe azsnal wrote:
> first and foremost i would like to take this opportunity to apologize
> for the blunt and improper words that i use in my context. truly and
> sincerely i do apologize but it still doesn't change the fact that is
> some individual pursuing their own agenda rather than the whole
> movement. a personal vendetta will only bring more damage that good.
> Haris, we have been working together since day 1 i receive the
> portfolio of OSS and we have done great thing despite what others has
> said. and honestly i am proud of what that has become of OSDC.MY i do
> hope that it will blooms beautifully in time... but you need to be
> stronger and have bigger balls to roll with.. :)
> azrul, i have the utmost respect for u, being a man that you are, a
> husband to a wife that love you, a father to child that meant the
> world to them, a strong supporter to the course that you believed in,
> and as an individual who cares about your countrymen. who doesn't
> believed that wealth and knowledge is only for a certain individual
> but to everybody. i believed you will be an important asset to the
> country when the time comes. InsyaAllah all your sorrow and
> disappointment will be the courage that others will fight upon...
> red1, i can't stop you from being ass that you are :-) . a brave man
> that you are who stand tall among the rest... being a world leader and
> being a fighter who know no defeat with an army goat in your neighbor
> reban. i have learn a lot from like you which some of you bad
> personalities has been adapted by me to used it against you.. :)
> hahahaha.. i do hope you don't keep it in your heart where all of
> these is a training ground for our younger generation to be. we're not
> here forever the younger generation should take the lead by now and
> making you proud already red1. i do hope one day you would materialize
> your dream in bringing back what you love most to the country that
> have love you the less. :) dont worried as long as im here i will kick
> your ass... hahahaha..
> all of you are my friend, i have come to know you and respect you and
> see what you have been fighting for all these while and come to
> believe what you believed in... but my hand is not always free to help
> as there are time where both of my hand and leg is being tight and
> nailed down due to the policies and structure. i didn't mean to create
> a differences between you between friends all of you are fighting the
> same battle and war that yet to be determine whether have you won or
> loose...
> all am asking don't make us as target you don't want to make us as
> your enemies and not to be proud we do have the advantages of pressing
> all of these down. i would rather be a friend and have a teh tarik
> with all of you rather than fighting you... unless you can proof
> beyond doubt the  im willing to you to the extra miles to stand beside
> you and try to make thing right. but an individual or silos agenda
> will only ruins what you have build so far. run this community as a
> well as an organization and insyaAllah you will gain the recognition
> that you longing for unless somehow someway thing work for the better
> we need to work together to archive that one single common objective.
> //rafe
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel
> <>  wrote:
>> Aziz,
>> remember the old days that we went into pendalaman teaching teachers
>> how to use Linux. Turun kapal terbang dan naik kapal terbang, tidur
>> hotel budget dengan pijat. Untuk cari makan and OSS.
>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Abdul Aziz Mydin Salimuddin
>> <>  wrote:
>>> :)
>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel

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