Salam semua,

Nk masukan subjek JAVA Programing pun panel MQA ckp, itu terlalu tinggi utk
student diploma, so camane erkk..

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Mohd Rizal Mohd Shahari

> I think we should invite MQA people or the guy who responsible
> drafting the document to be Open Education Council (OEC) member :)
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Tajul Azhar bin Mohd Tajul Ariffin
> <> wrote:
> > I think MQA is not under Ministry of Education.
> > It is corporate agency that handles all qualification of Universities. In
> the government agency hieracry, MQA sit under Ministry of Higher Education
> (Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi).
> > There is a few cases whereby certain courses not been certified not
> because of the syllabus, but because of management of universities not
> applying for certification from MQA.
> >
> > Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Boh Yap <>
> > Sender:
> > Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 08:54:40
> > To: <>; <>
> > Reply-To:
> > Subject: [osdcmy] Why our Unis turn out such poor quality IT grads. -
> long rant
> >
> > hi all,
> >
> > here's another rant, its directed at our Educational system, but done
> > in a less brutal way than the 'last' nuclear exchange between Red and
> > Rafe ;-) Sabar guys you both got your points, ....
> >
> > Have a read and pls comment...
> >
> > Critique of MQA Computing Program Document
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Ah, I make a bold claim, I finally may have figured out a possible
> > reason why our august Universities produce thousands of graduates that
> > are 'unemployable' as far as IT is concerned. The blame must solely
> > rest on the shoulders of the MQA (Malaysia Qualifications Agency)
> > under the Min. of Edu. Its also known as LAN (Lembaga Accredition
> > Negara)
> >
> >
> >
> > This 'organ' sets the 'standards'(sic) for all HEPs(Higher Education
> > Providers) in the country, both local and foreign. Yes, even if MIT or
> > Harvard were to set up here, their 'standards' will be governed by
> > them! And it covers not only IT, but also Bitotechnology, Medicine and
> > Health Sc. etc....
> >
> > I downlaoded a PDF on the subject area of Computing:
> >
> >
> > This does not cover all parts of IT, Netwk Engin.(SysAdmin) etc.. is
> > handled by other docs.
> > (so this rant may not apply to the Netwk Engineers, SysAdmins etc..)
> >
> > But it covers all aspects of higher edu for 'Computing':
> >
> >    - the type of courses and professionals it develops, presumably
> > for our HR needs...
> >
> >    - the qualifiactions required to enter and awarded upon completion,
> >
> >    - the 'programme objectives' what the course try to achive, the
> > type fo skills
> >       grads. will have
> >
> >    - what the syllabus should cover
> >
> >    - the accredition, way marks/grading are accorded
> >
> >    - Learning Outcomes, what skills/knowledge the grads. will be
> > equipped with (!?)
> >
> >  note:
> >    Compared to a similar document for BioTech and Engineering, the
> curriculum
> >    seeems to be far less detailed when compared to IT. A lot of freedom
> seems
> >    to be given to instituitions to determine their own. Why then should
> our
> >    industry be so closely scrutinised?
> >
> > As a quick summary, here are my interpretations, I may be wrong, and
> > if so soemone please prove me wrong!
> >
> > It seems 'programming skills' are not required for BSc grads, but are
> > required for Diploma grads WTF, !? (Learning Outcomes, Diploma, pg
> > 14,i). It seems 'programming' is considered a lowly skill suitable for
> > Diploma holders, whereas BSc grads are suppose to be System Analysts
> > and and Proj. Managers!? And BSc grads are suppose to have
> > 'entrepeneurial' skills (pg15 Generic Learning Outcomes, vi) - so they
> > can be the next Facebook I suppose...
> >
> > If this is true, it sets a dangerous and unreal expectations for the
> > students! No wonder most Comp. Sc. grads. don't want to do programming
> > or can't code! And they want to be SAs and PMs? No Way! Without
> > knowing or having done extensive programming, they won't have the
> > depth of knowledge to manage progrmmers, let alone win their respect.
> > They won't be able to evaluate the complexity and timeline required
> > without understanding the tools or its methodology. Worst still, they
> > will end up making the technical decisions, instead of the programmers
> > that are actually doing the work! (Does a construction site-supervisor
> > tell his carpenter what tools he should use? NO!) It just means they
> > make 'dumb' managers which the coders can fool!
> >
> > Also they (grads) probably think they don't need to do programming,
> > and they can straightaway be PMs and SAs.... but the market and
> > employers certainly don't agree!
> >
> > Holy Dilbert! The fact is that our Unis are producing PHBs (Pointy
> > Haired Bosses) the clueless yet arrogant boss of Dilbert in the comic
> > strip!
> >
> > Haris(OSDC) was trying to form a committee to try and introduce FOSS
> > into Education. I would think the work should start with the MQA. Also
> > who are the people that make such major decisions that affect the
> > future of our nation, are they qualified? Do they have industry
> > experiance? Are they free of vested interested? Are there HW or SW
> > vendors among them?
> >
> > I think most of you who are serious about parctising IT and developing
> > the SW industry in Malaysia will agree with me that some of these
> > decisions are seriously flawed.
> > I certainly hope that such errors in judgement are due to the fact
> > that they have been misinformed, and HOPEFULLY they will allow us,
> > members of the FOSS community to provide an alternative POV.
> >
> >
> > Below are the rest of my rant.... based on sections of the document,
> > you may have to read it to get the full details, I have included some
> > quotes taken from the docuemnt, they are like this "....", the rest is
> > my inputs. Also those sections 'notes:'
> >
> > I would welcome all comments, especially from the authority concerned,
> > lets have a healthy discussion on this. And no F words ;-)
> >
> >
> > Intro:
> > ------
> >    No date as to when the docuemnt was drafted. The file name carries
> > a probable date, but
> >    the document itself does not have a date, change-history or list
> > of authors, strange!  The BioTech
> >    document has all these!
> >    It acknoledges that Computing moves at a amazing pace, yet if rate
> > of change is so critical,
> >    this document should have a date and be revised at regular
> > intervals by 'authorised experts'.
> >
> >    It defines the "Programme Standards for Computing" for the following
> >    certification levels:
> >        Certificate         (Malaysian Qualifications Framework MQF Level
> 3),
> >        Diploma             (MQF Level 4),
> >        Bachelor’s Degree   (MQF Level 6),
> >        Master’s Degree     (MQF Level 7) and Doctoral Degree (MQF Level
> 8)
> >
> >  Objectives  (Pg 6)
> >  ----------
> >    "These standards are designed to encourage diversity of approach
> > within a framework
> >    that is compatible with the national and global human resource
> > requirements and the
> >    socio-economic needs. They cannot be seen as a syllabus and no
> > form of prescription
> >    is intended in the amount of time devoted to each component or the
> > order in which
> >    the material is presented. Higher Education Providers are expected
> > to combine,
> >    teach and assess the subject matter creatively
> >    "
> >
> >    "The development and implementation of this Programme Standards is
> > to ensure that the
> > graduates meet the professional requirements and expectations in their
> > respective fields. Higher Education Providers must take cognisance of
> > the rapidly evolving subject matter and introduce effective and
> > sustainable programme improvement. In doing so, the providers should
> > also ensure that the graduates obtain the necessary skills to function
> > effectively
> >    "
> >
> >    comment:
> >        from what I have been told, the HEPs (Higher Edu Providers)
> > have to stick
> >        to this pretty closely. Either that or I have been misled, and
> > academia were
> >        too lazy to create their own syllabus and just accepted what was
> pushed
> >        upon them.
> >
> > Coverage:  (pg 10)
> > ---------
> >    I am just looking at the BSc degree programs.... but theres all the
> rest,
> >    from Certificate to PHd!
> >
> >    It defines curricular and standards for 4 professional fields:
> >    and with its definition...
> >
> >        Computer Sc
> >        ------------
> >            Produce Computer Scientists who can work in a wide range
> > of fields from
> >            theorectical research, SW development and drive
> > innovation. It offers a
> >            wide foundation to allow studens to adapt to new
> > technologies and ideas.
> >            Includes web technologies, Robotics, Computer Vision,
> > Intelligent Systems(?),
> >            Bioinformatics.
> >
> >            note:
> >                to 'innovate, research' is a tall order, it means
> > going beyond what
> >                others has done and hence means you must already have
> > a very strong
> >                foundation. Standing on the shoulders of giants requre
> > that you are
> >                familiar with the giant!
> >
> >        Information System
> >        -------------------
> >            Integrate IT with business processes to provide solutions
> > for entreprises.
> >            View technology as a means of generating(?), processing nd
> > distribution of
> >            information for (entrprises, gov...?). Practioneers are to
> > be familiar with
> >            specific applications, database apps., spreadsheet Off the
> Shelf SW.
> >
> >            Then goes and talks about Payroll Accountg, Invrntory
> > Systems, etc...
> >
> >            Note:
> >                no mention of ERP systems (hey Red1, comment!),
> >                Business Intelligence (Raja?),
> >                how about mobile-computing and the role it an play for
> > entreprise,
> >                NO FOSS!
> >
> >        Information Technology
> >        -----------------------
> >            Graduates are trained to focus on application, deployment,
> > and configuration
> >            needs (of IT) for organisations and people over a wide
> > spectrum. They are
> >            responsible for planning, infrastructure, selecting HW and
> > SW, and integrating
> >            configuring and customizing these systems to meet business
> needs.
> >
> >            note:
> >                Personel here play a major role in selecting HW & SW
> > and hence impacts the
> >                success of FOSS.
> >
> >        SW Engineering
> >        ---------------
> >            Discipline of designing, developing and maintaining SW
> > that is reliable and
> >            efficient. It must be affordable to develop and maintain
> > and take into account
> >            issues like scalability and reliablity in safety
> > (mission-critical?)
> >            applications.
> >
> >            "Software Engineering programmes produce graduates who can
> > understand user
> >            requirements and develop software systems. Software
> > Engineers are expected
> >            to develop systematic models and reliable techniques for
> producing
> >            high-quality software on time and within a budget."
> >
> >            note:
> >                reliable, efficient, affordable, scalable, relaible,
> > mission critical,
> >                all this means FOSS right? ;-)
> >                MQA needs to be enlightened about this!
> >
> > Programme Objectives (Bachelor, pg 10)
> > --------------------------------------
> >    Generic Programme Aims for a Bachelor’s Degree are to prepare
> graduates who
> >        i. possess skills for lifelong learning, research and career
> > development,
> >        ii. have communication, team, leadership and interpersonal skills,
> and
> >            aware of the social, ethical and legal responsibilities, and
> >        iii. have entrepreneurial skill and a broad business and real
> > world perspective.
> >
> >    note:
> >        to produce entrepreneurs, it would be helpful to equip them
> > with fianancial
> >        and business skills. I don't see this being done anywhere.
> > Comp Sc guys are
> >        bad at writing Biz Plans and filling out MDEC forms ;-)
> >
> > Subject to the specialisation/major/minor in a particular Bachelor’s
> > Degree and its
> > nomenclature, the Specific Programme Aims for the four (4) disciplines
> > identified in this
> > Programme Standards are:
> >    A. Computer Science
> >        The Programme should prepare graduates who
> >        i. possess fundamental knowledge, principles and skills in
> > Computer Science,
> >        ii. have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to
> > solve problems
> >            by applying knowledge, principles and skills in Computer
> > Science, and
> >        iii. possess theoretical computing knowledge in analysing,
> > modelling, designing,
> >             developing and evaluating computing solutions.
> >
> >    B. Information Systems
> >        The Programme should prepare graduates who
> >        i. possess fundamental knowledge, principles and skills in
> > Information Systems,
> >        ii. have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to
> > solve problems by
> >            applying knowledge, principles and skills in Information
> > Systems, and
> >             Programme Standards for Computing
> >        iii. understand business requirements and have the ability to
> > plan, design
> >             and manage business Information Systems, with the
> > relevant technology and
> >             knowledge to enhance organisational performance.
> >
> >        note:
> >            What? No mention of BI, Decision Support, Statitical Analysis
> tools
> >            and skills here?
> >
> >    C. Information Technology
> >        The Programme should prepare graduates who
> >        i. possess fundamental knowledge, principles and skills in I
> >        ii. have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to
> > solve problems
> >            by applying knowledge, principles and skills in
> > Information Technology,
> >        iii. possess the ability to design, implement and manage
> Information
> >             Technology solutions and resources, and recognise the impact
> of
> >             technology on individuals, organisations and society, and
> >        iv. possess skills to integrate various technology solutions.
> >
> >    D. Software Engineering
> >        The Programme should prepare graduates who
> >        i. possess fundamental knowledge, principles and skills in
> >            Software Engineering,
> >        ii. have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to solve
> >             problems by applying knowledge, principles and skills in
> >             Software Engineering, and
> >        iii. are competent in applying appropriate methodologies, models
> and
> >            techniques that provide a basis for analysis, design,
> development,
> >            testing and implementation, evaluation, maintenance and
> > documentation
> >            of a large scale Software system.
> >
> >
> > Learning Outcomes:
> > -------------------
> >    Diploma
> >        Comp. Sc.
> >            "i. write computer programmes using at least one Industry
> > relevant to software
> >                development environment (? grammatical error?)"
> >
> >    Bachelors
> >        Comp Sc.
> >            "...
> >            iii. demonstrate theoretical computing knowledge in
> > analysing, modelling, designing, developing and evaluating computing
> > solution
> >
> >      note:
> >        There is no mention about developing SW??
> >        Does that mean BS holders get to become Analysts and Project
> Managers,
> >        and the lowly task of programming is left to the diploma holders?
> !!
> >
> >
> > Curriculum Design
> > -----------------
> > for Bachelors (pg 20)
> >
> >                                                                         %
> >    Compulsory Modules:   (Bahasa Kebangsaan, Pengajian Malaysia,
> 8-25
> >                           Pengajian Islam/Pendidikan Moral, ??
> >    Core Modules & Paper
>  46-73
> >    Common
> >       18-29
> >    Speciliasation
> >        17-55
> >    Elective
> >            9-24
> >    Ind. Trng.
> >            5-10
> >
> >    note:
> >        Firstly the ranges and percantages dont add up!
> >
> >        What does the "Compulsory Modules have to do with Computing!
> >        Perhaps these could be better spent on the socio-poilitical issues
> >        related to IT, like Privacy, piracy laws. Privacy &
> confidentiality
> >        ethics...
> >
> >        At a rough estimate only 75-80% of the course is dedicated to
> > IT, and that
> >        include Industrial Trng. If that is not relevant (as it usually
> is) that
> >        leaves only 70-75% of the course being relevant!
> >
> >        In the similar document for Engineering by MQA, the Compulsory
> > Module takes
> >        up 9-15% (the upper range) is less by 10% compared to
> > Computing! Is Computing
> >        considered a lesser subject that needs to be 'filled-up' by
> > useless subjects?
> >
> >
> > Body of Knowledge (Bachelors, pg 42) (rest is more rant...)
> > ------------------------------------
> > This refers to the subject matter to be covered by the various types
> > of courses in
> > the various disciplines. Looking at the tables, there are glaring
> ommissions!
> > And they are somewhat simplistic.... I am sure many can poke holes into
> this!
> >
> > What is MISSING!:
> >
> >    1. No mention of FOSS and the impact it has of the IT as a whole
> > and espcially on
> >       the Internet, and Web apps.
> >       Also to delve further into what FOSS can offer in the various
> areas:
> >         - Cost Savings and Total Cost of Ownership
> >         - SW relaibility and security
> >         - Performance and efficiancy (hence requiring 'less' hardware)
> >         - Support and speed of response to issues and problems
> >
> >    2. Cloud Computing, Virtualisation, Software as a Service all
> > these concepts
> >       are left out. They obviously havn't heard of Google!
> >
> >    3. Programming paradigms and languages
> >
> >        - why such a narrow focus?
> >           expose students to a wider range of languages, because
> >           they encourage different ways of thinking and solving problems.
> >           Best tools for the job etc... why be a monoglot?
> >
> >           Heard of Lisp, Forth, SmallTalk, PiLog...?
> >           Or even the wildly 'common' ones like PHP, Ruby, Python, Perl
> >
> >        - why no mention/comparative study between compiled/static
> >            and dynamic /interpreted languages?
> >            What about JIT (Just in Time compilation), or Tracing
> Compilers
> >            being implemented in Javascript engines by Google and
> Apple/Webkit?
> >
> >        - why talk only of OOP, what about Functional programming?
> >          and when talking of OOP why no mention of SmallTalk,
> >          the OOP language that started it all?
> >          What about Declarative vs Imperative syntax/language?
> >
> >        - Functional languages becomes more relevant in Web apps,
> >          heard of Javascript? Its functional! So are many 'scripting'
> > languages.
> >
> >        - no mention of CVS (Code Versioning System) or code repositories?
> >            One of the most important 'Best Practices' in SW Engineering,
> >            how to do SW Engineering lor?
> >
> >    4. Operating Systems concepts
> >        - Why no mention of UNIX? It pioneered all the current
> > concepts (well almost)
> >          of Operating Systems or has implementations of it...
> >          or Linux where you can actually look at and 'tweak; the source
> code?
> >          Too tough? How to do 'Research' or Innovation otherwise?
> >
> >        - Concurrency, a big thing in todays multicore CPUs just gets
> > a mere mention..
> >           What about the different concurrency models:
> >              Threading vs Processes,
> >              Asynchronous (event based...)
> >              preemptive vs cooperative,
> >              coroutines and generators..
> >            (yes these are esoteric subject, but hey BSc guys are suppose
> to be
> >            equipped to do research, leaving porgramming to the lowly
> > diploma holders....)
> >
> >     5. Design (& methodology, and related to Proj Management)
> >
> >            The curriculum still seems to be orientated towards
> > classical top-down
> >            SSADM (Struct SW Analysis and Design) from Cobol days,
> > that build large
> >            monolithic SW, that take very long cycles and are obsolete
> > when they
> >            are released!
> >
> >            What? no mention of Agile methods for SW development?,
> > Xtreme Programming
> >            etc. that have had huge success on the FOSS and internet world
> >
> >            What? no mention of UML for modelling and as a design
> > tool? Ever heard of
> >            the term Use Cases, Class Diagrans..? How to do OODesign
> > without UML??
> >
> >            What about Design Patterns?
> >
> >            Concepts like shared, dynamic linked libraries. Frameworks
> > and why they
> >            are different from libraries....
> >
> >            And using CVS and Code Repositories as an integral part of
> > projec management?
> >            What about bug & issue tracking?
> >
> >            And Unit Tests? Test Driven Design concepts?
> >
> >            ...and the list goes on...
> >
> >            no wonder we produce obsoleted manpower...
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > #-------
> > regds,
> >
> > Boh Heong, Yap
> >
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