That was quite some years back, i am sure before OSCC's time. Someone woke up abit by now. But still long way to go. FOSS is regarded as risky, anarchy as in wikileaks and Tahrir Square. If Govt pun tak caya sama orang kito... oh i forgot, show them the numbers first...

On 3/4/11 8:38 AM, Ahmed Noor Kader Mustajir Md Eusoff wrote:
they didn't aware with the term Open Source, someone should wake them about it

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:30 AM, red1 <> wrote:
ok i got a question. What if Petaling Street put Linux on CDs? Is that pirating?
I remembered some time ago the Ministry made a fool of itself when it issued a warning to arrest and persecute those who pirate Linux based software. Now i am thinking they re not so foolish after all (there is hope).

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