I want the community to think.

On 3/4/11 8:57 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:
SO ?

What next step you want community to do?

Can you get this number to politician and get the buy in?

Any plan that you can show to us?

Any schedule that we can follow?

Any contact that we can communicate?

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:53 AM, red1<r...@red1.org>  wrote:
http://www.opensource.org/node/535 -

Malaysian Government has reached 97% OSS Adoption

and saves


Yep we got the numbers! Nape? Tak caya ke? Tak leh bawa bank kah? Kene
tunjuk cash jugak ka? Nama je bank. Tolong orang kaya saja...

sudahla... :)


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