On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:53 AM, red1 <r...@red1.org> wrote:

>  http://www.opensource.org/node/535 -
> Malaysian Government has reached 97% OSS Adoption and saves
> http://www.bytebot.net/blog/archives/2010/07/05/open-source-saves-malaysian-government-rm188-million
> RM188! Yep we got the numbers! Nape? Tak caya ke? Tak leh bawa bank kah?
> Kene tunjuk cash jugak ka? Nama je bank. Tolong orang kaya saja...
> sudahla... :)

Lets capitalize on this opportunity.  The new FLOSS users need support.  Who
will put on their business card "Specializing in FLOSS Implementation and
Support Services"?

And another thought...
>From the articles, my guess is that their savings comes primarily from
dumping Microsoft Office in favor of OpenOffice.org.  But OpenOffice.org has
fallen out of favor a little bit due to Oracle's influence.  The managers
and officers in government offices aren't likely to know anything about
this, or even care, but we do.

My concern is that now Oracle will basically try to take over where
Microsoft left off by locking consumers (government offices included) into
some kind of services, modules, and support plan that they can't get from
the Open Source world.

In a few years will we be fighting Oracle the same way we've fought
Microsoft in the past?

I can now see why RMS is a *lifelong activist*... it just never ends.

I'm curious what everyone thinks.  Does it matter to you?  Is it a problem?

Has anyone heard of the related term "Open Core"?
What is open core licensing (and what isn’t)
451 CAOS Theory



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