okay my bad. The portal framework is Gridsphere. VT is actually one of the grid 
components to support the grid middleware.

after much fiddling, hair-pulling, and Starcrafting, I managed to get a 
workaround to my problem. But the API thing is still unresolvable. 

I see API as a sort of library that can be used during our project development. 
If I want a certain function to work on my project, I still refer to the API 
and use the packages available. Is this a good reflection of what API is? How 
do you people use API?

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani (Ann) AC080144
(3SCB) Bsc Computer Science (Bioinformatics)

Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 11:34:09 +0800
Subject: Re: [osdcmy] API - how to use it in your portlet development
From: rajaiskand...@gmail.com
To: osdcmy-list@googlegroups.com

ok i am trying to guess what you are trying to do
vine toolkit is not really a framework ! it's a library to give you nice grids 
: http://fury.man.poznan.pl/vinetoolkit/ - think of it like jquery ui

flex is a framework : http://www.adobe.com/products/flex/look at demo using 
liferay as the portal framework : 
liferay has a lot more documentation, so use it to create your portlet, then 
only put the vine toolkit layer on top of it.if you are using the flex ide, 
consider using eclipse or netbeans or intellij or something ....

i dont use liferay, nor do i use flex. this is the first time i am looking at 

spend time learning and using web application frameworks like liferay, grails, 
adempiere,.... then if anything goes wrong, blame it on the framework !

would be really cool if you could write about how to use the api in adempiere. 
maybe you can create a blogging website or forum using adempiere.

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <linuxmalay...@gmail.com> 

Anyone can help her on this?

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 11:41 PM, Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani

<nor.arl...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Assalamualaikum and hi everyone




> Despite the subject, I'm very much stressed out right now. How do I use an

> API (in my case, Vine Toolkit API?

> http://fury.man.poznan.pl/vinetoolkit/docs/javadoc/index.html)


> I've been staring at the classes methods whatever only to find myself

> getting into this very deep confusion and tense.


> I have to come up with a portlet (Flex and Java based), and Vine Toolkit is

> the framework on which this portlet is deployed to. I've been searching

> directories and files without really knowing what am I doing.


> Call me noob whatever, I'm still learning, so much apologize for the

> question. I'm divorcing Google.



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