
This project will go ahead, its going to be implemented.


Berdasarkan pandangan saya daripada pelbagai perkara yang berlaku
ianya dipertahankan dengan begitu sekali. Kenyataan akhbar, press
conference and such.

Projek ini ada banyak kepentingan non ICT untuk ia dihentikan...
(politik dan .... )

So ?

Banyak mana pun kita ngomel, kritik, email, kutuk, bantah, maki, *%$&
and many more words. Its waste our time .....


Kita semua nanti perlu juga gunakan sebab, saman polis dan JPA akan
hanya melalui thats email. Tidak lagi pos.


Back to our main issue. We need a big and branded company like Microsoft.

Lets discuss how.


On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 8:41 AM, red1 <> wrote:
> Boh, thanks for the link, which i can see:
> "Tricubes shares soar on news it will be working with Microsoft"
> Now that pops the spiritual question - Is that not what we all care about?
> It is making money legally. With FOSS you cannot make that kind of money.
> Give it up guys.
> I mean look at the pathetic of us here, without dough, swimming among
> sharks, just got our lifebelts yanked (MDec financial support) and the heli
> did not show up (RM10m promise from MDec) and still lots of borang-borang to
> fill up while kicking hard in the water (to get tidbits from the so called
> RM10m). But the final laugh should come while you get 'lucky' and called up
> by MOSTI to defend your proposal with the question, "Can you idea beat
> Tricubes idea of working with MS and become commercially viable?"
> Side-note to Raja: "Is the above the kind of rant you wished for?"
> Side-note to Rafe: "Just having fun on a Sunday morning cos i aint going to
> church. :)"
> On 5/8/11 12:47 AM, E A Faisal wrote:
> Dear Mr Pemandu Director, sir, are you on crack or somethin'?
> On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Boh Yap <> wrote:
>> sorry, I wrote this some time back, but it got stuck in my outbox, or
>> rather drafts... but the arguments are still valid.
>> BTW, in yesterdays TheStar, Idris Jala head of PEMANDU came out with a
>> full 2-page 'expalnation' for the 1Malaysia email...
>> more updates on triCubes....

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