I believe most of us here, dunno the skill of:
"U bagi ni tender kat I, I charge RM50M, RM40M ko punye."

And by the way, It seems like even M$ don't know there is such deals going
on. Or else, they will be using this to advertise them self around. I smell
something more fishy behind this "Tricubes" project.

To the other ppl,

And at here, I would like to express out my thoughts about the KOSTEM
mailing list.
I'm sure a lot of you already realize this and never though of wanted to
voice it out.
As usual, I become the basher again.

Do you agree that there are too much noise in the mailing list of KOSTEM
which caused most of us who want to build up the Co-Op company to be delayed
for so long?

Do you agree that most replies in the KOSTEM mailing list, are actually not
any useful input, rather, they are just some 'hoohah' kind of response? I
believe more than 50% of the replies are such kind of replies in the mailing

Do you agree that majority of the people who reply in the mailing list,
never showed up during our 1st meeting and just tumpang in the mailing list
for cheer only?

Well, if you answer these questions yourself, I believe you'll understand
why there is not much replies from people who really wanted to build up this
co-op company. Because of too much noise in the mailing list until we missed
those useful input in the mailing list to make necessary response.

Anyway, attack me as usual, this is not something new to me for getting
attack anyway.

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*GarfieldWTF <http://garfield.in>*
Debian User Community (Malaysia)
*CS Squad VPS Hosting <http://cart.cs-squad.net/cart.php?gid=1>*

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