OSDN                          NEWSLETTER                           
    July 19, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Mutating Animations

    [0]Weird_one writes "Discover magazine's current issue has an
    intriguing article involving [1]using genetic algorithims to evolve an
    animation of a walking individual." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.discover.com/aug_03/gthere.html?article=feattech.html

Bad Testing Doomed NASA's Hypersonic X-43A

    [0]RobertB-DC writes "[1]Space.com got hold of NASA's
    yet-to-be-released report on the June 2001 failure of the air-breathing
    X-43A hypersonic research vehicle, and it doesn't look good for
    'Faster, Better, Cheaper'. The report refuses to single out any one
    contributing factor, but it cites ground testing 'inaccuracies' and
    'misinterpretation' of wind tunnel data -- in particular, failure to
    retest the vehicle after additional heat protection was added. As noted
    in the [2]original Slashdot article, the craft went out of control when
    the fins broke off just seconds into flight." 
    0. http://www.dixie-chicks.com/
    1. http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technology/x43a_report_030718.html
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/06/02/2211206&tid=160

Build Your Own Gauss Pistol

    [0]BdosError writes "A Russion software developer has developed a
    [1]homemade Gauss pistol. It's not very powerful yet, but as a proof of
    concept, it's interesting. Nice, non-chemical slugthrower that should
    appeal to fans of Science Fiction and related games, like [2]Traveller
    and many others." 
    0. http://bdoserror&yahoo,com
    1. http://www.pskovinfo.ru/coilgun/
    2. http://www.travellerrpg.com/

United Nuclear

    goombah99 writes "Hey Mr. Science, need a [0]rocket pack for your
    bicycle? Look no further than [1]United Nuclear scientific supply where
    under their [2]dangerous products category you can purchase your own
    [3]radioactive uranium ore, as well as a two million volt generator if
    you need one. Or what mad scientist can do without his own particle
    accelerator (which they advertise can mutate DNA in seed, explore the
    atom, or simply transmute elements)" 
    0. http://www.unitednuclear.com/jetplans.htm
    1. http://www.unitednuclear.com/
    2. http://www.unitednuclear.com/radex.htm
    3. http://www.unitednuclear.com/uranium.htm

Can .NET Really Scale?

    swordfish asks: "Does anyone have first hand experience with scaling
    .NET to support 100+ concurrent requests on a decent 2-4 CPU box with
    web services? I'm not talking a cluster of 10 dual CPU systems, but a
    single system. the obvious answer is 'buy more systems', but what if
    your customer says I only have 20K budgeted for the year. No matter
    what Slashdot readers say about buying more boxes, try telling that to
    your client, who can't afford anything more. I'm sure some of you will
    think, 'what are you smoking?' But the reality of current economics
    means 50K on a server for small companies is a huge investment. One
    could argue 5 cheap systems for 3K each could support that kind of
    load, but I haven't seen it, so inquiring minds want to know!" 

Satellite Driven Farming Equipment

    [0]ravenousbugblatter writes "An article at CNN discusses how
    Australian scientists are using GPS to [1]automatically drive tractors
    and other farming equipment on predetermined tracks. The technology is
    encouraged because it can prevent water loss associated with the
    repeated compaction of soil from heavy farming equipment." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/science/07/18/satellite.tractor.reut/index.html

Seminar On Details Of The GPL And Related Licenses

    [0]bkuhn writes "Given the recent confusion about LGPL on slashdot, and
    the concern it raised for those convincing corporate legal departments
    to adopt to Free Software, perhaps your readers might be interested in
    [1]FSF's legal seminar on the GPL and related licenses. The first one
    is in Silicon Valley, and if it is successful, we hope to hold others
    in the next 8 months in New York City and Tokyo." Since the FSF and the
    GNU project have long created and fought for software that's shareable,
    Free, and [2]Not UNIX, what's taught at these seminars will probably
    differ sharply from what you can hear at next Monday's [3]SCO
    conference call on the "IBM lawsuit, UNIX Ownership and Copyrights." 
    0. http://member.fsf.org
    1. http://patron.fsf.org/course-offering.html
    2. http://www.gnu.org
    3. http://ir.sco.com/ReleaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=114097

Instant Messaging Giveaway

    An anonymous reader writes "Microsoft is planning on [0]giving away
    $1000/hr randomly to users of the new MSN messenger. They are going to
    send instant messages to the winners. I can just see it now, 'You've
    won $1000 in the MSN Messenger giveaway, just go this website and enter
    your SS# and credit card info for verification.'" Where's Ed McMahon
    with the big check when you need him? 
    0. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/internet/07/18/msn.giveaway.ap/index.html

Inkblot Passwords

    TechnoPope writes "Microsoft Research a new way to get users to not
    only develop, but remember more secure passwords can be achieved
    through [0]using inkblots. Because of how the human brain works, you
    can show the same pictures to different people and almost always come
    up with different passwords. What's even crazier, is that people
    generally are able to remember the complex passwords. Sounds like a
    major breakthrough in security." 
    0. http://research.microsoft.com/displayArticle.aspx?id=417

Exploit Available for Cisco IOS Vulnerability

    GNUman writes "Cisco's IOS vulnerability, posted by [0]Slashdot and
    [1]CERT, has now a [2]published exploit available, as reported recently
    by [3]CERT. While there are some [4]some articles claiming that the
    Internet survived a major flaw, maybe with a publicly available exploit
    could script kiddies start creating havock?. [5]jerw134 wanted to
    [6]start a pool to find out when the exploit would be publicly
    available, here's the answer." 
    0. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/07/17/0545242&tid=172
    1. http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2003-15.html
    2. http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2003-17.html
    3. http://www.cert.org/
    4. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cms.dll/html/uncomp/articleshow?msid=82786
    5. http://slashdot.org/~jerw134
    6. http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?cid=6458981&sid=71409&tid=172

AstroFlowGuard 1.000 

    AstroFlowGuard is a Linux-based bandwidth managing stateful firewall,
    intrusion detection system, and VPN server. With its user-friendly
    interface, automatic failover and smart recovery system, it is the
    complete tool for anyone wanting to manage bandwidth and network
    security. It uses a hierarchical class-based system which provides a
    logical, intuitive view of network classes along with their priorities. 

Atlantik 0.5.3 (Development)

    Atlantik is a KDE client for playing the Atlantic and Monopoly
    boardgames with a monopd/atlanticd server. 

AutoUpdate 5.1.2 

    AutoUpdate is a Perl script which performs a task similar to Red Hat's
    up2date or autorpm. It can be used to automatically download and
    upgrade RPMs from different HTTP(S) or (S)FTP sites, while also
    handling dependencies. Moreover, it can also be used to keep a server
    with a customized (Red Hat) distribution plus all clients up to date. 

BKchem 0.5.0-pre2 

    BKchem is a chemical drawing program written in Python. 

cereal emulation framework 0.93.1 

    cereal is an emulation framework able to emulate 8051-compatible CPUs
    and connected devices, designed to allow easy addition of other
    (application-specific) devices to emulate. 

Charles Web Debugging Tool 1.5 

    Charles is a Web debugging tool, HTTP monitor, and reverse HTTP proxy
    for Web developers that includes plain text debugging of HTTPS/SSL. It
    is built in Java Swing, and runs on all Java platforms. It is an HTTP
    proxy server that displays requests and responses, complete with HTTP
    headers. This enables the developer to examine the exact content of
    HTTP exchanges, including cookies, caching, and redirects. It can also
    throttle your connection in order to simulate modem conditions. 

DataVision 0.7.10 

    DataVision is a reporting tool similar to Crystal Reports, written in
    Java. It supports multiple data sources (JDBC, text files) and output
    formats (HTML, XML, PDF, LaTeX, comma- and tab-separated data files,
    and DocBook). It lets you design reports with a drag-and-drop GUI.
    Report descriptions are stored as XML. 

Divmod Quotient 0.2 

    Quotient is a conversation server which is part personal information
    manager and part messaging server. It provides services such as full
    text indexing and structured information extraction. It currently
    supports POP3 and IMAP4 with IRC/IM and SIP coming soon. 

DTDDoc 0.0.9 

    DTDDoc (DTD Documentation) is designed to help document your DTDs
    efficiently. It is a straightforward extension of the javadoc concept,
    and a not so straightforward implementation of some of the concepts
    solidified by Donald E. Knuth. 

eCos 2.0 

    eCos (Embedded Configurable OS) is an open source, configurable,
    portable, and royalty-free embedded Real Time Operating System. It is
    written in C++, provides all the usual OS things. You configure the OS
    so that the parts you don't need aren't loaded to the embedded system.
    eCos is released under a modified GPL that allows for its use in
    embedded systems without having to GPL the embedded application. 

Electronic Design Automation - Index 0.2-3 

    Electronic Design Automation - Index is a system that can be used in
    the electronic world to keep track of your: Schematic, PCB, Front
    Plate, and Programmable Logic numbers. This is very useful when you
    have drawn some electronic schematics and PCBs in an EDA program such
    as Eagle, gEDA, Protel, or Orcad. It is also useful if you've created a
    front plate layout in an image editor such as GIMP, Corel Draw, or

evolvotron 0.1.3 

    Evolvotron is an interactive "generative art" application to
    evolve images/textures/patterns through an iterative process of random
    mutation and user-selection driven evolution. If you like lava lamps,
    and never got tired of the Mandelbrot set, this could be the software
    for you. It's implemented using Qt, and is multithreaded. 

exifprobe 1.2.3 

    Exifprobe examines and reports the contents and structure of JPEG and
    TIFF image files. It will recognize all standard JPEG markers
    (including APPn markers) and will report the contents of any properly
    structured TIFF IFD encountered, even when entry tags are not
    recognized. Recognized TIFF and TIFF/EP tags are expanded, including
    EXIF2.2 sections and camera MakerNotes which are found to be in TIFF
    IFD format. GPS and GeoTIFF tags are recognized and entries printed in
    "raw" form, but are not expanded. Location, size, and format
    of image data is reported. 

EzSDK 4.76 

    EzSDK is a PHP SDK which includes a PHP source code generator, a
    library of PHP classes, and an application environment consisting of
    premade supporting modules. The modules handle user application and
    data access security, DB compatibility (with MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle,
    etc.), a built-in GUI interface with an interactive desktop, and more. 

FatCatalog 1.3 

    FatCatalog is a Perl script that goes through a specified directory and
    digs up all of the audio/video information, which is stored in a DB.
    There is a Web interface to the DB which alows you to find dupes based
    on either the file checksum or the file name. 

FreeMarker 2.3pre8 (Lazarus)

    FreeMarker is a template engine that was originally designed so that
    servlet-based applications could keep graphical design separate from
    application logic. The templates provide an easy and highly flexible
    way to generate any kind of text output (HTML, RTF, PostScript, TeX,
    source code, etc.) from a variety of data sources such as Java objects,
    Jython objects, XML object models, and more. 

Group-Office 1.1 

    Group-office is Web-based office suite written in PHP that is
    extensible with modules. It features user management (optionally
    synchronized with system and Samba), module management, an e-mail
    client, a file manager, a scheduler, and project management. 

Gtk2-Perl 0.90 

    Gtk2-Perl allows Perl developers to write GTK+ 2.x applications. The
    bindings use an object oriented syntax that attempts to remain close to
    the C API, but take a Perlish approach where appropriate. 

HardInfo 0.3.6 

    HardInfo displays informations about the system's hardware in a GTK
    window. Linux 2.4 is officially required, but it might work with 2.2. 

HarvestMan 1.1beta 

    HarvestMan is a multithreaded off-line browser.It has many features for
    customizing offline browsing through URL filters, depth-fetching, fetch
    levels, domain filters, file limits, thread limits, download depth,
    directory checking, and robot exclusion protocol. It is useful to
    download an entire Web site or certain files from a Web site to the
    hard disk for offline browsing later. It features an XML project file,
    and support for the HTTP/HTTPS and FTP protocols. It works
    transparently across proxies and can also crawl intranets. 

hhmalloc 1.0.1 

    Hierarchical heap is an extension of the standard C malloc/free
    interface, which allows organizing memory blocks into naturally
    occurring hierarchies. HH can be used for a number of tasks including
    memory pooling, limited garbage collection, and simplified dynamic
    structure management. 

jlo 0.9 

    jLo is a logging framework for Java offering some unique features. It
    is a lightweight framework which is easy to integrate and easy to use. 

kbarcode 1.3.2 (Development)

    KBarcode is a barcode and label printing application for KDE 3. It can
    be used to print everything from simple business cards up to complex
    labels with several barcodes, such as article descriptions. KBarcode
    comes with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG label designer, a setup wizard, batch
    import of labels (directly from the delivery note), thousands of
    predefined labels, database managment tools, and translations in many
    languages. Even printing more than 10,000 labels in one go is no
    problem for KBarcode. Additionally, it is a simple xbarcode replacement
    for the creation of barcodes. All major types of barcodes like EAN,
    UPC, CODE39, and ISBN are supported. 

kludge3d 2003-07-18 

    Kludge3d is a simple 3D model editor in the spirit of Worldcraft or
    Milkshape. It is the offspring of several other GTK-based editors, with
    the best features taken from each. As the name implies, kludge3d is a

KnokiiSync 0.3.0 

    KnokiiSync is a KDE 3.1.x program that transfers entries from a
    Gnokii-compatible phone to KDE's Address Book and vice-versa. It can
    transfer all the entries as well as the entry types (home, work,
    mobile, URL, email, etc). 

KnowledgeTree 1.1.1 

    KnowledgeTree is a feature-rich document management system featuring
    knowledge management, document version control, hierarchical document
    management, support for common file formats (MS Word, MS Excel, PDF,
    TXT, HTML), extensible meta data, creation of custom document types,
    application managed document links that guarantees consistent data and
    eliminates emailing documents, easy publication of documents,
    subscription agents, archiving according to expiry date, expiry time
    period, or utilisation for enhanced speed, and much more. 

Lazy Encryption Algorithm 1 

    LEA is a simple algorithm for file encryption that uses boolean algebra
    and modular arithmetic to test the stream and generate numbers with a
    logical order. Using bytes as increments and decrements users can
    choose between normal encryption without a pseudo- random data
    generator or steganography with or without random data. 

libksd 0.1.0-pre2 

    libksd is a cross-platform (C++) game framework which is built on top
    of SDL and also uses libSigC++ for its signal system. It provides
    drawing functions, a simple widget set, multi-threading, plug-ins,
    collision detection, joysticks, image loading/saving, simple audio
    playing/loading/saving, true-type fonts, and some other stuff too. 

libxml++ 0.25 

    libxml++ is a C++ interface for working with XML files, using libxml
    (gnome-xml) to parse and write the actual XML files. It has a simple
    but complete API. 

Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator 5.2 

    Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator allows beginning-to-advanced network
    administrators to control bandwidth. It is designed to be completely
    turn-key in its default configuration. You just plug it into your
    network trunk, and it self configures and immediately starts slowing
    "bandwidth hogs". It also comes with finer controls that are
    easy to use, and can be configured to target specific applications such
    as Kazaa, IMAP, and POP. Traffic can be limited by host IP, subnet, and
    content blocking. 

Log Tool 1.2.5 

    Logtool is a syslog file parser, report generator, and monitoring
    utility. It takes logfiles from syslog, multilog, or other ASCII log
    generating sources as input from stdin, and depending on command line
    switches and/or config file settings, will parse and filter out
    unwanted messages from the logfile accordingly, and generate output in
    ANSI color, formatted ASCII, CSV (for spreadsheets), or HTML format. It
    is very handy for use in automated nightly reports, and online
    monitoring of logfile activity. It comes with some simple example
    scripts and documentation. 

MiaouIRC 0.86 

    MiaouIRC is an RFC 1459-compatible IRC client written in Java/Swing. It
    has some useful features like choosing your Look 'n Feel, customizing
    your nick friend list, highly verbose logging, searching a keyword in a
    channel, private message panels, etc. It supports multi-server
    connections, DCC CHAT, SEND, ACCEPT and RESUME, CTCP commands, nick
    autocompletions, mIRC colors, autoreconnects, and autojoins. A DCC
    queue list is available to tracing your leeching activities with IRC

Mimir 2.0-alpha-1 

    Mimir is an overkill, threaded, antiflood plugin for X-Chat 2.0.x. 

Modeling Framework 0.9pre10 

    Modeling Framework fills the gap between the Python object world and
    relational databases in that it allows users to transparently create,
    retrieve, update, or delete Python objects from a database without
    having to write a single line of SQL. Main features include generation
    of database schema, generation of Python code templates ready to be
    used, support for transparent mapping of (class) inheritance in
    relational databases, object-oriented query language, use of standard
    Python getters to traverse relationships (the related objects are
    automatically fetched when needed and when appropriate), and automatic
    checking for referential-integrity constraints, etc. Supported
    databases are PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. 

Modular Access Control System 0.7.1-alpha 

    Modular Access Control System (MACS) is a system for global
    authentication, authorization, user/group/resource management, and
    application services. 

mod_ssl 2.8.15-1.3.28 

    mod_ssl provides provides strong cryptography for the Apache 1.3
    webserver via the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer
    Security (TLS v1). It is based on the SSL/TLS toolkit OpenSSL and
    supports all SSL/TLS related functionality, including RSA and DSA/DH
    cipher support, X.509 CRL checking, etc. Additionally it provides
    special Apache related facilities like DBM and shared memory based
    inter-process SSL session caching. per-URL SSL session renegotiations,
    DSO support, etc. 

monopd 0.8.2 (Development)

    monopd is a dedicated game server daemon for Monopoly-like board games.
    Clients such as Atlantik can connect and allow users to play various
    games with other users of the network. 

MProjekt 0.4.1 

    MProjekt is a PHP project management system that features a file
    repository and Unix-like permissions. It is intented for people that
    doesn't like CVS and project managers, who must have control over
    projects and their components. 

netfilter 1.0 

    netfilter is a firewall, NAT, and transparent proxy solution for
    Server-optimized Linux. It can be used to secure your LAN and give
    clients in your LAN access to the Internet using a SoL gateway. Traffic
    from the local clients can be filtered by ports and IP addresses. 

OBM 0.6.6 

    OBM is an Intranet application written to help manage a company. It can
    also be used as a contact and customer database or as a shared
    calendar. It is written with PHP and requires MySQL to work (although
    support for other databases is possible). It supports
    internationalization and themes, and it includes: sales force, help
    desk, time tracking, user, and administration modules. 

ocre 0.010 

    OCRE reads an image file and writes ascii characters. 

OfflineIMAP 4.0.0 

    OfflineIMAP is a tool to simplify email reading. It allows you to read
    the same mailbox from multiple computers and ensures that your changes
    will be automatically reflected on all computers. You can use various
    mail clients to read a single box or read mail while offline with full
    synchronization when you reconnect. You can read IMAP mail with readers
    that lack IMAP support (same goes for SSL). OfflineIMAP's multithreaded
    synchronization algorithm performs between 10 and 60 times faster than
    many mail readers' internal IMAP support, and it can be used even with
    mail readers that support IMAP already. There are five available user
    interface modules, including scripted execution, an interactive
    terminal interface, and GUI interfaces. 

Open Beat Box 0.7.1 

    Open Beat Box (OBB) is an open-source beat box. 


    Pearlowis allows customers to reconfigure items in a shopping cart on
    the fly without ruining your profit margins. 

PHP Fedex Class 1.0 

    PHP Fedex Class is a class for the Fedex XML Direct Shipping Manager

pixelGDM 0.6 

    pixelGDM is a theme with pixel icons. 

PMK 0.5.1 (Snapshot)

    PMK aims to be an alternative to GNU autoconf configure scripts. It
    attempts to avoid the use of scripts in packages that can hide trojans,
    to minimize the number of dependencies, and to be easy to use for users
    and developers. 

Project LRNJ: Slime Forest Adventure (Tutelary) 

    The goal of Project LRNJ is to create an entertaining console-style RPG
    that teaches Japanese. Slime Forest is the prototype line: a simple
    NES-like CRPG using graphics from the upcoming katakana adventure and a
    training set of 1000 kanji. Its purposes are to attract interest and
    funding, and to gather data and feedback on compatibility and

pwdutils 2.3.92 (Development)

    pwdutils is a collection of utilities to manage the passwd and shadow
    user information. The difference to the shadow suite is that these
    utilities can also modify the information stored in NIS, NIS+, or LDAP.
    PAM is used for user authentication and changing the pasword. It
    contains passwd, chage, chfn, chsh, chpasswd, and a daemon for changing
    the password on a remote machine over a secure SSL connection. The
    daemon also uses PAM so that it can change passwords independent of
    where they are stored. 

PyTone 2.0.0 

    PyTone is a music jukebox written in Python with a curses-based GUI.
    While providing advanced features like crossfading and multiple
    players, special emphasis is put on ease of use, making PyTone an ideal
    jukebox system for use at parties. 

qconfirm 0.10.0 

    qconfirm is an implementation of a delivery confirmation process for a
    mail address or ezmlm mailing list. It is invoked by qmail-local
    through a .qmail file, and can reduce the amount of junk mail hitting a
    mailbox or the mailboxes of mailing list subscribers. 

qpopper-mysql 0.12 

    qpopper-mysql is a patch to Qualcomm's qpopper POP3 daemon to enable it
    to do user authentication via a MySQL database, support virtual
    domains, support Maildir-style mailboxes, and log logins into a MySQL
    database for possible MTA SMTP authentication relaying use. 

Report Writer 0.02 

    Report Writer produces nice-looking PostScript reports that are defined
    in an XML file and based on data that are extracted from a database.
    The extraction is performed with DBIx::Recordset, so the syntax is the
    same as the syntax used by that package. A sample XML file is included.
    This file (trialbal.xml) is a report for Trial Balance from the
    FreeMoney project. The XML file contains sections for database,
    extraction criteria (the "search" section), page header,
    breaks (which is where Report Writer will make a nice total for you),
    and fields. 

Salvare 0.1.1 

    Salvare (from the Latin "to rescue") is a small Linux
    distribution designed for small, credit-card sized CDs which typically
    hold around 34MB. More Linux than tomsrtbt but less than Knoppix, it
    aims to provide a useful workstation as well as a rescue disk. In
    addition to providing a rescue environment similart to tomsrtbt, it
    adds OpenSSH, a graphical and text mode Web browser (Links), security
    tools such as chkrootkit, nmap, and tcpdump, the ability to apt-get
    install additional software from Debian into tmpfs, the ability to run
    entirely from RAM, and much more to come It's also customisable using a
    simple source-code based package management system. 

Samba 3.0.0 beta3 (3.0.x)

    The Samba software suite is a collection of programs that implements
    the SMB protocol for unix systems, allowing you to serve files and
    printers to Windows, NT, OS/2 and DOS clients. This protocol is
    sometimes also referred to as the LanManager or Netbios protocol. 

Scripting Plugin for Scribus 0.5 

    This project adds Python scripting capabilities to Scribus. 


    SibylSQL is a portable, full-fledged, next-generation, client-server,
    multi-threaded, object-relational database system. The primary
    technical contribution to the database community is the inclusion of
    the SQL Dialect Interface (SDI), originally written for the NightStar
    NEXTGRES database. The SDI allows a DBA to grant users or applications
    the ability to translate vendor-specific SQL such as Oracle, SAP DB,
    MSSQL, and PostgreSQL, into a native SibylSQL parse tree via
    dynamically loadable objects at run-time. 

Sigit 0.2.4 (Development)

    Sigit is a customisable signature creator that can be run either as a
    daemon or as a normal foreground process. It allows you to have a
    changing signature. If it's configured correctly, it will also change
    the information displayed when someone fingers you. It also supports
    multiple signature files for different newsgroups, and NFS-mounted
    $HOME shares. 

Snownews 1.0 

    Snownews is a text mode RSS/RDF newsreader. It supports RSS feeds that
    comply to W3C's RDF 1.0 specification and Radio Userland's 0.9x and
    2.0. Snownews depends on ncurses and uses libxml2 for XML parsing. 

SuxPanel 0.2 

    SuxPanel is a GNOME panel clone written from scratch using plain GTK+

tsemgr 0.07 

    tsemgr is a GTK+ application to manage the SonyEricsson T68 mobile
    phone. It allows you to read and send short messages (sms), view and
    edit the phonebook, upload files via IrDA and Bluetooth, and turn your
    phone into a remote control for your Linux box. 

vb2py 0.1 

    vb2py is a VB to Python tool for automatically converting VB projects
    to Python, including both the code and GUI elements. 

Vertoo 0.8 

    Vertoo is a tool that lightens a developer's burden to maintain
    up-to-date versioning information across project's files. Vertoo
    provides a simple interface to change the version of a project and
    distribute these changes through the project's files. A configuration
    file describes the versions used in a project (each in arbitrary,
    user-specified scheme) and the formats for each of the occurrences of
    the version's data in the project files. 

viPlugin 0.1.18 

    viPlugin is an Eclipse plugin that adds vi functionality to the editors
    that are provided with Eclipse (JDT, CDT, etc.). 

VLC 0.6.0 (Natalya)

    VLC (VideoLAN Client) is a multimedia player for Unix, Windows, MacOS
    X, BeOS, and QNX. It can play most audio and video formats (MPEG 1/2/4,
    DivX, WMV, DV, Ogg/Vorbis, AAC, etc.), has support for VCD and DVD
    (with menus), and can read streams from a network source (HTTP, UDP,
    DVB, etc.). It can also act as a server and send streams through the
    network, with optional support for transcoding. 

WeBSET 2.02 

    WeBSET is a special education management system that operates within
    EzEnterprise, a cross platform middleware environment. It is a
    full-featured IEP reporting system and screening and evaluation system,
    and provides applications that automate all aspects of the IEP process
    using a forms builder, report builder, and data dictionary. It provides
    solutions specifically designed for teachers, administrators, and
    special education staff, can be accessed over the Web, and meets
    federal, state, and local reporting needs. 

WebSight Directory System 1.0 (Stable)

    The WebSight Directory System was originally developed for Electronic
    Music World (www.electronicmusicworld.com), to serve as an Internet
    link directory related to electronic music. WebSight Directory System
    presents collected links in categories and subcategories. It supports
    link submission by visitors. 

xStats 1.3.1 

    xStats is a script generating statistics for xMule and also a dynamic
    graphic online signature. The design was taken from Blacklotus Online

ZapEdit 1.5 

    ZapEdit is a site management tool that can be used to update Website
    content through a browser. It features a WYSIWYG HTML editor that
    provides an intuitive business user authoring environment, and works
    with any existing HTML Website and on shared hosting accounts. ASP and
    PHP versions are available, and both Apache and Microsoft IIS Web
    servers are supported. 

Zina 0.9.25 

    Zina is a graphical interface to your MP3 collection, a personal
    jukebox, and an MP3 streamer. It can run alone, be embedded into an
    existing Web site, or be used as a Postnuke/PHPNuke module. It is
    similar to Andromeda, but is released under the GPL. 

Zoidberg 0.3c 

    Zoidberg provides a modular Perl shell written, configured, and
    operated entirely in Perl. It aspires to be a fully operational login
    shell with all the features one normally expects. But it also gives
    direct access to Perl objects and data structures from the command
    line, and allows you to run Perl code within the scope of your

Newsforge Reports
The IP wars

    - by John O'Sullivan - The first shot in the intellectual property wars
    was fired by no less than William H. Gates III on February 3, 1976. In
    a famous letter decrying the theft of his programs, Mr. Gates set out
    the philosophy that IP was essentially the same as traditional
    property, and that the same rights and laws should apply. 

Linux Advisory Watch - July 18, 2003

     - by Benjamin D. Thomas - This week, advisories were released for pam,
    gnupg, mpg123, ucd-snmp, phpgroupware, traceroute-nanog, nfs-utils,
    falconseye, php4, unzip, radius, gtksee, kernel, mozilla, xpdf, apache,
    and ypserv. The distributors include Conectiva, Debian, Gentoo,
    Immunix, Mandrake, Red Hat, Slackware, SuSE, Trustix, and Turbo Linux. 

A centralized server architecture could be the killer Unix app

    - by Paul Murphy - If you're like me, you probably use Linux or Unix at
    home and then go to work and wonder why all the people struggling with
    Microsoft products don't just upgrade to Linux. Despite all the cost
    and security issues, business's commitment to Microsoft's Windows
    desktop products shows few signs of waning. The key to turning this
    situation around may be to place the user's perspective above that of
    the systems staff. 

Newsforge Newsvac
Microsoft Ranks Linux Second On Risk List

     Microsoft is taking the Linux threat seriously. So seriously, in fact,
    that open source software comes in at the number two spot on the
    company's top five list of risks. 

Linux to Overtake Unix, Leapfrog Windows, Analyst Says

     Linux will soon overtake Unix as the operating system of choice for
    several major enterprise segments, including high-performance
    computing, carrier-grade and mission-critical systems, and database
    hosting. That's according to a paper published in June by research firm
    Aberdeen Group Inc. 

ATX form-factor StrongARM SBC gains 30% speed, supports Linux

     Simtec Electronics has announced a thirty percent speed increase for
    its ATX motherboard form-factor, StrongARM-based single-board computer
    (SBC). The SBC is intended to be used as a development platform for
    prototyping applications such as set-top boxes, routers, CD
    duplicators, MP3 juke boxes, and NAS appliances, and server devices,
    and is supplied together with a full Debian GNU/Linux operating system,
    the company said. 

101 Reasons Not To Get A Tablet PC

    Lora writes "Here is a list of reasons we've heard people say why they
    don't want to buy a Tablet PC. We came up with a list of 101. (Not
    listed in any particular order.) There are probably more. Maybe you've
    got a few?" 

Mozilla.org forms new non-profit foundation

     Mozilla.org, the venerable keeper of the open-source Web browser
    flame, last week gave itself a "legal identity" with the creation of
    the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit corporation the group hopes will
    better coordinate its efforts to expand its end-user community. 

Red Hat releases Linux 2.6 update

     Red Hat has made good on a promise to let people try out Linus
    Torvalds' test version of the new 2.6 kernel, or heart, of Linux. The
    Linux seller said Monday that it would release 2.6.0-test1 RPM (Red Hat
    Package Manager) update files. 

Making a pitch for OpenOffice.org

    Solveig Haugland writes "You'll sometimes encounter resistance to
    switching an organization to OpenOffice.org. The resistance can stem
    from simply not knowing about OpenOffice.org to not wanting to leave
    the known qualities of Microsoft Office or another suite. To help out
    the folks on the front lines of adoption, I've assembled a few
    strategies for the searchenterpriselinux.com site on how to go about
    convincing your IT or management team to go ... 

IBM Servers to Pair Linux, New PowerPC Chips

     In a quest for a bigger piece of the entry-level server market, IBM
    Corp. has drawn up a three-year plan for producing and marketing
    systems that pair Linux and IBM's own 64-bit PowerPC family of
    processors, sources report. 

Europe picks Penguin to link government IT

     A European Commission working paper on linking national government IT
    systems across Europe is recommending open source software. 

Lindows Project Steers Open Source Faithful To 'Linux-Friendly' Retailers

     Attention Linux shoppers: Lindows is launching a consumer web site,
    dubbed LFriendly.com. It's an effort to help buyers find sellers of
    computers pre-loaded with Linux, or are at least those that are

Computing: USB Sharing Hub

Computing: Logitech Cordless MX Keyboard & Mouse

PC Mods: Lian-Li Side Panel Aquarium Kit

Cube Goodies: LED Binary Clock

Gadgets: Ambient Orb Device

Cube Goodies: Desktop Retro Wind-ups

Cube Goodies: The Red Swingline Stapler

Cube Goodies: Futurama Tin Signs

Gadgets: USB Memory Pen

Gadgets: FM Radio Pen

Interests: Broken Miho Poster

Interests: Ph34r t3h Cute Ones Poster

Caffeine: Brute Force Energy Drink

Caffeine: Chargers Caffeinated Espresso Beans

Caffeine: Shock Triple Mocha

Computing: ICE-Cube Barebones Mini-PC

PC Mods: ThermalTake SubZero CPU Coolers

Computing: Archos AV120 w/ DVR Attachment

Cube Goodies: Killer coding ninja monkeys Bumper Sticker

Cube Goodies: I Brake For LAN Parties Bumper Sticker

Tkfp Windows 14 July 2003

    Tk_familypractice is a clinical Medical Records system, written mostly
    in Tcl/Tk. Some C, C++, PYTHON, PERL. For Family Physicians,
    Pediatricians, Internists or Primary Care. Used in a 4 doctor group for
    5 years. Network enabled. Tk GUI and web browser based interfaces.
    HCFA1500 claim form. Another new Windows version. Using the file
    notebook_start2.tcl, you can run all the windows now inside a tabbed
    notebook. The look and feel is now exactly the same as the Linux

pmd-jbuilder-1.1 released

    PMD is a Java source code analyzer. It finds unused variables, empty
    catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth. This release
    supports PMD 1.1. 

QmailAdmin 1.0.24 released

    QmailAdmin is a web interface for managing email addresses in virtual
    domains created by Vpopmail. This release includes more cleanup as we
    get closer to a stable release. Functional changes: works with non-idx
    version of ezmlm again, updated Japanese translation. 

wlandscape 1.0 build 0461 released 

    wlandscape 1.0 build 0461 is out with quite a few important bugs fixed
    and a lot of improvements added. Build 0461 introduces many new
    features. We have added the support of MapBlast again and integrated an
    offline browsing tool. From the developers point of view it is believed
    to be fairly stable. Wlandscape is a tool for collecting and
    visualizing access point data of public wireless networks in order to
    share it with anyone. The collected data is shown in really good maps
    and of course all for free. Wlandscape is free because it is released
    under the GNU General Public License. 

phpWebSite 0.9.3 released

    Developed by the Web Technology Group at Appalachian State University,
    phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management system. All
    client output is XHTML 1.0 and meets the W3C's Web Accessibility
    Initiative requirements. phpWebSite version 0.9.3 addresses stability
    problems from 0.9.2. There have also been many updates to resolve
    usability issues. Included with this release is a docbook user manual
    for end-users and a skeleton module for developers. Enjoy! The
    phpWebSite Development Team 

Combo Drive DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE 4X-DVD+RW+R 24X-CDRW (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $238.95 

ZIRE 71 PDA (Palm Computing)

    Lowest Price: $253.00 

A7N8X Deluxe Athlon Motherboard (Asus)

    Lowest Price: $118.21 

RADEON 9800 Pro 128MB DDR (ATI)

    Lowest Price: $349.00 

Tungsten T PDA (Palm Computing)

    Lowest Price: $225.95 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $2690.00 

Samsung 50" HDTV Monitor TV With DLP Technology - HLN507W 1280 x 720P Resolution 

    Lowest Price: $3429.79 

iPod 15GB MP3 Player (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $364.99 

X1 Multi-use Projector (InFocus)

    Lowest Price: $925.00 

DMR-E80H DVD Recorder (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $538.99 

Red Hat Linux 9 Personal (Full Product) (Red Hat)

    Lowest Price: $31.58 

Linux 9 Professional (Red Hat)

    Lowest Price: $119.95 

Linux 8.2 Pro Edition (Suse) (Global Marketing Partners)

    Lowest Price: $65.49 

Linux 8.2 Personal Edition (Suse) (Global Marketing Partners)

    Lowest Price: $31.96 

Mandrake Linux Standard ...... (Pearson Education)

    Lowest Price: $19.90 

Windows XP Pro(Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $133.00 

Windows XP Home (Full) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $83.00 

WarCraft III: Frozen Throne (Blizzard)

    Lowest Price: $19.75 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.00 

Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $97.98 

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
permission of OSDN is prohibited.
url - http://www.osdn.com

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