OSDN                          NEWSLETTER                           
    July 20, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Cheap PPC Linux Machines From IBM

    ksheff writes "According to this story, IBM is planning on introducing
    low-end [0]SMP servers and deskside machines based on the PPC970. The
    machines would be able to run Linux and AIX. A 4-way machine is
    expected to cost less than $3500! IBM expects a 20x increase in the
    number of PPC Linux servers by 2006." 
    0. http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,1197450,00.asp

How To Make Dual Booting A (Bigger) Pain

    [0]the_phenom writes "Thinking of dual-booting your Windoze XP 17"
    Toshiba P25 laptop? Think again - this one '[1]uses a DVD with an
    already setup version of Windows XP Home and then transfers it to the
    notebook's hard drive,' preventing the normal setup procedure and thus,
    dual-booting." This reminds me of the unfriendly practice on some PC
    builders' parts of including an OS "backup" only on a hard-drive
    0. http://<moc.oohay> <ta> <dren_evad>
    1. http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=10552

A Detailed Review Of A 3G Phone And Network

    An anonymous reader writes "The [0]NEC e606 and 3's recently launched
    3G network has been reviewed at [1]Mobileburn. They seem to be happy
    with the network, but the phone is buggy and unfinished. One cool thing
    is that you can download sample videos to see what 3G is really like." 
    0. http://mobile.burn.com/review.jsp?Id=353
    1. http://mobile.burn.com/

Overture To A Patent War?

    Shackleford writes "CNET has an article discussing [0]Yahoo's proposed
    $1.63 billion buyout of commercial search specialist Overture Services
    on Monday. Yahoo would acquire 60-plus patents related to technology
    and processes for indexing the Web, as well as for pay-per-click and
    bidding systems to grant sites higher placement in search results. The
    search market is expected to be reap $4 billion in revenue by 2005,
    according to researchers. As the industry matures, the competition for
    a piece of that large pie could lead companies to bulk up their IP
    legal teams, much like in other industries such as online advertising
    sales during the dot-com bust. And Overture sued FindWhat.com in
    February 2002 after FindWhat filed a summary judgment request in a New
    York federal court in an attempt to fend off any potential infringement
    charge from Overture. Two months later Overture filed a second lawsuit,
    charging Google with patent infringement in its pay-for-performance ad
    system. So is this the way the search engine competition will be won?
    Through patents and lawsuits?" 
    0. http://news.com.com/2100-1024_3-1027084.html?tag=fd_lede1_hed

California Microsoft Settlement

    [0]Lord Prox writes "From news.com.com: A California judge on Friday
    gave preliminary approval to a landmark settlement under which
    [1]Microsoft will pay $1.1 billion to settle a class-action suit that
    claimed it overcharged consumers for Windows. More Townsend and
    Townsend and Crew is [2]info from the law firm here. Also note... you
    get vouchers in settlement good for buying computer related items, not
    just Microsoft products and/or can be traded and converted to cash!" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1012_3-1027598.html?tag=fd_top
    2. http://www.townsend.com/media/microsoft.html

Sony Switches To Its Own Processor For Handhelds

    Pointing to this [0]Associated Press story carried by the Miami Herald,
    [1]Jorkapp writes "Sony has announced that they will be using
    Processors manufactured by themselves in their next generation of CLIE
    handhelds, which are due to ship this Semptember. This is only the
    first step though, as Sony is planning to use its own line of
    processors for the next generation of Playstation systems. This new
    processor will give users 16 hours of battery life (impressive!) and
    the ability to play video at a smooth 30fps." And [2]jake writes with a
    link to a story at mobilemag.com which also describes the new handhelds
    (the UX50 was [3]mentioned the other day), and says "both the CLIE UX50
    and UX40 handhelds will be available through American retailers [4]in
    September for about $700 and $600, respectively, but can be pre-ordered
    now through Sony's website." 
    0. http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/business/6334589.htm
    1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    3. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/07/17/182209&tid=100
    4. http://www.mobilemag.com/content/100/333/C1843/

Prior Art to Pinpoint vs. Amazon, from 1980's?

    [0]Gary Robinson writes "I'm in a fairly unique position with regard to
    the [1]Pinpoint vs. Amazon case since I built a system in the
    mid-1980's which is commonly regarded as the first active service based
    on collaborative filtering. It was a voice-mail-based dating service
    called 212-ROMANCE. I still have the 8-inch CP/M source code disks as
    insurance against CF-related patent lawsuits. Today I've posted a
    [2]discussion of the Pinpoint vs. Amazon case in the context of that
    prior art as well other prior art from the 1980's." 
    0. http://radio.weblogs.com/0101454/
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1019-1027343.html?part=dht&tag=ntop

Red Hat To Drop Boxed Retail Distribution

    An anonymous reader writes "Red Hat, the leading American distributor
    of Linux, is abandoning the retail channel, the company is expected to
    announce Monday, says [0]this story in Linux and Main. Non-Red Hat
    developers will be given a greater role in deciding what's in upcoming
    Red Hat distributions, too." 
    0. http://www.linuxandmain.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=364

RMS Calls On Linux Developers To Replace BitKeeper

    JakusMinimus writes "The developer of BitKeeper has [0]issued fighting
    words to RMS and he has responded on the LKML,. I remember the flap
    about this way back when Linus decided on BitKeeper, now it seems many
    of the non-free concerns were warranted." 
    0. http://lkml.org/archive/2003/7/18/260/index.html

dSVG - A New Kind of Programming?

    [0]Gord Bowman writes "For anyone familiar with XML and, specifically,
    with [1]SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), you may be aware that SVG is
    increasingly being used for the creation of data-driven Web
    applications. But everyone has been doing so by handcoding script
    and/or [2]XSLT, without the benefit of an IDE to help. Seeing such a
    need for a tool, my company (Corel) set about creating one." and 'lo,
    dSVG was born. Gord Bowman is the lead developer of dSVG and would like
    you to take a look at the dSVG specs (you can find the link, in the
    full article) and offer your comments. 
    0. http://www.corel.com/smartgraphics
    1. http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Overview.htm8
    2. http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/

acarsdclient 1.00 

    acarsdclient is an X client for the acarsd server. It can
    simultaneously connect with up to 8 acarsd servers. You'll see live
    ACARS data from all over the world, and for every contact you'll see a
    thumbnail (if available on the server). You can see the aircrafts on a
    map, and you can create your own map if you want. 

AIOCP 1.0.017 

    AIOCP (All In One Control Panel) is a professional platform-independent
    all-in-one solution to completely manage a Website through a
    user-friendly Web interface. It includes by default all needed modules
    for Website management and a long list of extra modules, including a
    CMS, WYSIWYG editor, languages, users, menus, languages, forums, news,
    newsletter, links, downloads, reviews, awards, chat, polls, calendar,
    banners, search engine, e-commerce, e-business, statistics, online
    help, system tools, shell, backup, MIME, whois, ping, traceroute, MySQL
    database management, transcoding, custom modules, code libraries,
    images, and sounds. Each module is perfectly integrated into the system
    and has adequate management and control tools. 

Ajaqs 0.9.5 

    Ajaqs is a Web app that organizes FAQs on a per-project basis. It is
    designed to be deployed under popular Web and application servers. It
    aims to serve two purposes: to provide engineering groups a mechanism
    for consolidating and preserving in-house knowledge in connection to
    product development and usage, and to provide small companies with a
    Web interface for exposing searchable, internationalizable information
    related to products and services. 

Babeldoc 1.1.3-dev 

    Babeldoc is a framework and set of applications to process documents
    for business-to-business and other Internet/integration applications.
    It is primarily intended for text documents, especially XML, but
    supports a wide range of operations and data types. It has a
    sophisticated journaling system that supports replaying and
    reprocessing. Babeldoc is pipeline based and supports numerous ways to
    combine the pipeline stages in a dynamically reconfigurable fashion. It
    has a GUI and a Web-based console for document processing and
    monitoring, and comes with tools for the tranformation of flatfile data
    to XML, archival, and cryptography. Additionally it is able to scan
    various data sources based on sophisticated constraints. 

borZoi 0.8 (Java)

    borZoi is an elliptic curve cryptography library for developers who
    want a simple means of adding privacy protection to their applications.
    Ease of use and a minimum risk of security problems due to incorrect
    use are its strong points. 

bScribbles 1.1 

    B-Scribbles strives to improve any PHP Web page. The transparent
    integration is painless to configure and install. Once in place, any
    visitor will be able to 'scribble' (post) to a board using a simple,
    non-obtrusive interface. It is designed to be extremely fast &amp;

CacheMate 1.3 

    CacheMate is a database for tracking GPS cache hunts. You can store
    information about caches or benchmarks, decode hints, and transfer data
    between CacheMate and the MemoPad application. Registered users can
    also import EasyGPS LOC and GPX files, available from Geocaching.com. 

CBQ.Init GUI 0.05b rc2 

    CBQ.Init GUI is a frontend to the CBQ.INIT script. It allows users to
    easily limit their bandwidth at the IP/port level. 

Commandline Histogramming 1.0 

    Commandline Histogramming provides commandline utilities to create
    histograms and calculate the moments of a distribution. They are
    easy-to-use and functional. 

cpptools 0.1.2 

    Cpptools is a set of C/C++ development tools. This package contains a
    C++ scanning class coded both in C++ and Python. CppFSMDoc.py is the
    Finite State Machine diagrammer which uses @FSM comment tags inside
    sourcefiles. CppClassHierarchy.py parses C/C++ sourcefiles and
    generates a graphical dependency tree using Graphviz, and
    CppColorize.py scans sourcefiles and generates a highlighted HTML

CWirc 0.8.1 

    CWirc is a plugin for the X-Chat IRC client to transmit raw Morse code
    over the internet using IRC servers as reflectors. The transmitted
    Morse code can be received in near real-time by other X-Chat clients
    with the CWirc plugin. CWirc tries to emulate a standard amateur radio
    rig: it sends and receives Morse over virtual channels, and it can
    listen to multiple senders transmitting on the same channel. Morse code
    is keyed locally using a straight or iambic key connected to a serial
    port, or using the mouse buttons, and the sound is played through the

dnspython 1.1.0b1 

    dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python. It supports almost all of the
    record types. It can be used for queries, zone transfers, and dynamic
    updates. It supports TSIG authenticated messages and EDNS0. dnspython
    provides both high and low level access to DNS. The high level classes
    perform queries for data of a given name, type, and class, and return
    an answer set. The low level classes allow direct manipulation of DNS
    zones, messages, names, and records. 

dSVG markup test suite 1.1 

    dSVG is an XML markup language, implemented with a script (so as to
    work in any SVG viewer), which describes UI controls and behaviours to
    facilitate the creation of SVG-based Web applications. 

EarlyBlue 1.4 

    EarlyBlue reflects the early days of Mozilla (M4 to M8) and tries to
    restore the blue-styled look of like those early milestones in current
    builds without cutting any functionality. 

epd2svg 1.0 

    epd2svg is a program to convert from the EPD vector graphics format to

File Service Protocol 2.8.1 beta 9 (Beta)

    FSP is a UDP-based protocol for transferring files. It has many
    benefits over FTP, mainly for running anonymous archives. It is usable
    on lines with high packet loss ratio (70% WiFi), can go behind
    firewalls and unoticed by port scans (because of UDP), does not
    overload networks when hosting ISOs or movies, share files on modem
    lines without eating all of the bandwidth, and keeps lamers away from
    your site (they don't know how to get to it). This project is active
    continuation of the FSP code base (abandoned for the last 5 years). 

GCompris 3.2 

    GCompris is a complete educational suite for children 2 to 10 years
    old. It includes more than 40 activities. It offers activities
    dedicated to little kids like learning the mouse and keybord. It
    teaches letters, numbers, words, basic algebra training, reading time
    on an analog clock, vector drawing, and much more. 

Greenwich 0.6.0 

    Greenwich is a graphical whois client for GNOME. It is written in Perl
    and makes use of the GNOME bindings for Perl. 

High Level Assembly Language 1.53 

    The High Level Assembly Language (HLA) was designed to allow advanced
    assembly language programmers to write more readable and powerful
    assembly language code. It makes it possible to write code by
    leveraging knowledge of high level languages like C, C++, Pascal, and
    Delphi. HLA compiles into 80x86 assembly language, which is assembled
    by MASM, TASM, or Gas. 

Issue Handler 0.9.0 

    The Issue Handler is a simple product for managing (structuring,
    editing, prioritizing, categorizing) issues. It is primarily used to
    manage information. 

jack 2.99.9 

    Jack is a console based cd-ripper. It supports cdparanoia and cdda2wav
    (amongst others) for extraction and various MP3 and OGG/Vorbis
    encoders; you can even rip from a cdrdao-generated CD image. Emphasis
    is on failure-safeness and ease of use. Jack can encode multiple tracks
    at once, good on SMP systems. It can resume its work if interrupted and
    keeps an eye on available HD space. Freedb query is also supported, any
    time you like, even after encoding. Jack can try to query freedb for
    MP3s of which you do not know the CD anymore, provided you have a
    complete rip and know the track sequence. 

Jack Audio Connection Kit 0.74 

    JACK is a low-latency audio server. It can connect a number of
    different applications to an audio device, as well as allowing them to
    share audio between themselves. Its clients can run in their own
    processes (i.e., as normal applications), or can they can run within
    the JACK server (as a &quot;plugin&quot;). JACK is different from other
    audio server efforts in that it has been designed from the ground up to
    be suitable for professional audio work. This means that it focuses on
    two key areas: synchronous execution of all clients, and low latency

Krusader 1.21-beta1 

    Krusader is an &quot;old-school&quot; file manager. Its twin-panel look
    follows in the footsteps of the great file managers of old such as
    GNU's Midnight Commander&copy; and the Norton Commander&copy; for DOS.
    Krusader features an intuitive GUI, complete drag n' drop capability,
    transparent handling of archives, mimetype support, and more. 

LCARStrek 1.4 

    LCARStrek is a Star Trek skin, using the LCARS interface from the
    Federation Star Ships (heavily used in The Next Generation and Voyager
    series). It has rounded borders and hover (mouse-over) effects, be
    aware that it may look and feel quite unusual or strange, but keep in
    mind that this is an interface design which was not originally designed
    for the 21st but the 24th century. 

libmspack 20030718 

    libmspack is a library for compression and decompression of the
    Microsoft CAB, CHM, HLP, LIT, SZDD, and KWAJ file formats. 

LibTomMath 0.13 

    LibTomMath provides highly optimized and portable routines for a vast
    majority of integer-based number theoretic applications (including
    public key cryptography). 

LineControl Server 2.1.17 

    LineControl allows you to remotely control the Internet connection of a
    Linux masquerading server using multiple clients. It takes care with
    the number of clients using the connection and decides upon this number
    whether the connection should be up or down. The clients show the time
    the connection is up and throughput statistics. Different connection
    types are supported, such as analog modems, ISDN, or even cable modems
    and ADSL devices. 

Linux 2.4.22-pre7 (2.4-testing)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

List of Mailing Lists Manager 0.6.0 

    List of Mailing Lists Manager (LMLM) enables you to generate a site
    with detailed information about mailing lists of various kinds,
    including subscription, unsubscription, posting, archive, guidelines,
    description, and owner information. It supports Ezmlm, Listserv,
    Mailman, Majordomo, and Yahoo! Groups; other types can be added

lm_sensors 2.8.0 

    lm_sensors provides essential drivers for monitoring the temperatures,
    voltages, and fans of Linux systems containing devices such as the LM78
    and LM75. It contains drivers for sensor chips and I2C and SMBus
    masters. It also contains text-based tools for sensor reporting, and a
    library for sensors access called 'libsensors'. It also contains tools
    for sensor hardware identification and I2C bus probing. 

Mibble 2.0 

    Mibble is an SNMP (Simple Network Managment Protocol) MIB (Manageable
    Information Base) parser library for Java. The library can be used to
    read SNMP MIB files as well as simple ASN.1 files. The library also
    contains classes for simple handling of the information contained in
    the MIB file, such as OID:s and types. 

Mimir 2.0-alpha-3 

    Mimir is an overkill, threaded, antiflood plugin for X-Chat 2.0.x. 

Mimir 2.0-alpha2 

    Mimir is an overkill, threaded, antiflood plugin for X-Chat 2.0.x. 

Native SVG from Mozilla Beta 1 

    SVG is similar in scope to Macromedia's proprietary Flash technology:
    among other things it offers anti-aliased rendering, pattern and
    gradient fills, sophisticated filter-effects, clipping to arbitrary
    paths, text, and animations. What distinguishes SVG from Flash is that
    it is a W3 recommendation (i.e., a standard for all intents and
    purposes) and that it is XML-based as opposed to a closed binary
    format. It is explicitly designed to work with other W3C standards such
    as CSS, DOM, and SMIL. The Mozilla SVG implementation is a native SVG
    implementation; it can handle documents that contain SVG, MathML,
    XHTML, XUL, etc. all mixed together in the same 'compound' document. 

neo2squirrel.pl 1.002 

    neo2squirrel is a Perl script to convert Neomail addressbook and
    preferences to SquirrelMail. This is a &quot;run once&quot; script, to
    help you convert many users on your server from Neomail to

NetGrave 0.1 

    NetGrave allows NetHack users to share their bones files and high
    scores over the Internet. The uploads must be GPG-signed, and the
    server will only accept a file if it is signed by a key it has in its
    keyring. There is a Web interface that can be used to check/update the
    stats or download/upload the bones manually. One of its goals is to
    provide an alternative to hearse, another Nethack bones files server.
    The client and the server are included. 

OfysUtils 0.1.1 

    OfysUtils is a collection of tools to monitor and manage a Sicon Ofys
    UPS connected to the computer through a serial cable. 

PHP [EMAIL PROTECTED] web monitor 0.1.0b6 

    The PHP [EMAIL PROTECTED] web monitor is a very simple PHP script to monitor a
    single [EMAIL PROTECTED] program running on a workstation or server via the
    local Web server. It displays general information of the user, the
    current work unit and the processing statistics. It also displays a
    skymap to show the source of the current data. 

polyxmass 0.5.1 (polyxmassdata)

    polyxmass is a mass spectrometry framework where users are able to
    define brand new polymer chemistries (with the polyxdef module), and
    use these definitions in order to make simple mass calculations (with
    the polyxcalc module) or perform complex simulations of polymer
    chemistry with related mass data computations (with the polyxedit
    module). The framework allows full customization of every aspect of the
    polymer chemistry being defined, and of the way the polymer sequences
    are graphically displayed. This program was formerly called

pppusage 0.2 (Stable)

    pppusage summarizes PPP transfer volumes, number of connections, and
    (on BSD systems) online time. The data is collected by reading the
    syslog files which contain the ppp[d] messages. A database file is used
    to store the relevant data. Certain time ranges (that is: a year,
    month, or day) may be specified on the commandline. 

QuickDownloader 4.0 

    QuickDownloader is a download manager that accelerates downloads by
    between 200 and 300%. It provides a resume capability for resuming
    broken downloads. It supports both HTTP and FTP downloads. 

rss2html 0.1.3 

    rss2html will take RSS RDF files that any number of weblogs and other
    dynamic pages output and will turn them into HTML files. It is best
    suited for RSS versions pre-1.0. 

SERanks 1-3 (Stable)

    SERanks is a Java application that obtains the rankings of search
    expressions from search engines. It allows you to specify the search
    engines that are of relevance to you, offers lots of options for
    configuring the output and for governing the ranking process, and
    allows you to export the results to spreadsheet applications. 

ShoutCastProxy 0.5 

    ShoutCastProxy is a system for saving bandwidth when multiple users in
    different rooms are listening to the same ShoutCast audio stream.
    ShoutCastProxy runs on a central server, and connects to whatever
    ShoutCast server that a client requests. If multiple clients request
    the same stream, the stream will be downloaded from the original source
    only once, but will still be sent to all the clients. Multiple proxies
    can be chained together. 

Software Suspend 1.0.3 (2.4 Stable)

    swsusp enables you to suspend your machine without having to use APM or
    BIOS support. It creates an image which is saved in your active swaps.
    At the next system bootup, the kernel detects the saved image, restores
    the memory from it and then it continues to run as before you've

SolarStats 1.0RC 

    SolarStats is an advanced IRC statistics (StatServ) program for IRC
    networks. It offers features not available in other StatServ packages
    such as SQL output, SSL linking, multi-lingual support, and much more.
    It currently only functions with UnrealIRCd networks, but support for
    other IRCd software is planned. 

The Nice programming language 0.9.0 (Development)

    Nice is a new object-oriented programming language based on Java. It
    incorporates features from functional programming, and puts into
    practice state-of-the-art results from academic research. Among the
    advanced features: parametric types, anonymous functions,
    multi-methods, tuples, optional parameters to methods, design by
    contract, detection of many errors during compilation (in particular,
    concerning casts and null references). This results in more
    expressivity, modularity, and type safety. 

Tiki 1.7 RC2 (Release candidates)

    Tiki is a powerful content management system that features articles,
    forums, newsletters, blogs, a file/image gallery, a Wiki, drawing, a
    tracker, a directory, poll/surveys and quizzes, a FAQ, chat, a banner,
    Webmail, a calendar, and ACLs, etc. 

TuxSaver 0.8 

    TuxSaver is a 3D OpenGL screensaver for KDE. It shows Tux on an iceberg
    on the South Pole. It is possible to develop your own stories and 3D
    objects and add them to TuxSaver. 

VDRadmin 0.93 

    VDRadmin is a program to administer VDR (video digital recorder) via
    HTTP. A small HTTP server is included. 

webcalng 1.1 

    webcalng is a Web-based calendaring application for your Intranet or
    Internet site. You can use webcalng to publish calendars of events,
    manage group scheduling for your company, or just keep track of
    important dates in your personal life. 

WeWiMo 0.0.5 

    WeWiMo (Web WiFi Monitor) is a script for monitoring computers
    connected to access point running Linux and hostap WiFi card driver
    (ZCom XI-626). 

When 1.0.4 

    When is an extremely simple personal calendar program, aimed at the
    Unix geek who wants something minimalistic. It can keep track of things
    you need to do on particular dates. It's a very short and simple
    program, so you can easily tinker with it yourself. It doesn't depend
    on any libraries, so it's easy to install. You should be able to
    install it on any system where Perl is available, even if you don't
    have privileges for installing libraries. Its file format is a simple
    text file, which you can edit in your favorite editor. 

wmfuzzy 0.5 

    wmfuzzy is a Window Maker dockapp clock that gives the time a textual
    approximation (instead of &quot;21:17&quot;, the time is displayed as
    &quot;Quarter Past Nine&quot;). 

Newsforge Reports
Cluster filesystems for Linux?

    Francesco M. Taurino writes: Do you know good cluster filesystems for
    Linux? Is available for Linux a filesystem with cache coherency across
    all the nodes in a cluster, efficient locking mechanism or with a
    distributed lock manager, with good scalability features and SAN (fibre
    channel) compatible? 

The IP wars

    - by John O'Sullivan - The first shot in the intellectual property wars
    was fired by no less than William H. Gates III on February 3, 1976. In
    a famous letter decrying the theft of his programs, Mr. Gates set out
    the philosophy that IP was essentially the same as traditional
    property, and that the same rights and laws should apply. 

Linux Advisory Watch - July 18, 2003

     - by Benjamin D. Thomas - This week, advisories were released for pam,
    gnupg, mpg123, ucd-snmp, phpgroupware, traceroute-nanog, nfs-utils,
    falconseye, php4, unzip, radius, gtksee, kernel, mozilla, xpdf, apache,
    and ypserv. The distributors include Conectiva, Debian, Gentoo,
    Immunix, Mandrake, Red Hat, Slackware, SuSE, Trustix, and Turbo Linux. 

Newsforge Newsvac
SCO readies new Linux licensing program

    Anonymous Reader writes "Per the article at Infoworld.com site: The SCO
    Group is preparing a new Linux licensing program that it claims will
    allow users of the open-source operating system to run Linux without
    fear of litigation. The program will be announced "within the next
    month or so," according to SCO spokesman Blake Stowell, but on Monday
    the company will announce what he calls a "precursor" to this program
    in a press conference with SCO ... 

Evolving the Wireless Robot

    Anonymous Reader writes "This article is one of the first to discuss
    wireless robotics from an integrated approach. It explains the ins and
    outs of wireless robots: their components, their shortcomings, and how
    they can interact in a competitive or cooperative team within
    professional environments. Learn how smarter robots can relieve us of
    the most tedious -- and dangerous -- tasks." 

Red Hat to drop boxed retail distribution

    Anonymous Reader writes "Red Hat Software is expected to announce
    Monday that it is abaonding boxed retail sales and reorganizing its
    development to give project maintainers more control over what is
    included in Red Hat's distribution." 

Do you prefer different Operating Systems on your desktop and server?

    I intended to blog about the $800 TDV Vision Tablet PC reported by The
    Register and wonder outloud how it might be as a cheap Linux slate
    device. But, then it occured to me. Unless two fell from the sky free
    of charge, I would keep Windows XP on the box because most of my
    favorite office/home tools (vs. developer tools) run on the Windows XP
    side of my world. I just happen to have a preference for JASC PaintShop
    Pro, Microsoft PowerPoint, ... 

Intel turns 35: Now what?

    For many in the computer industry, the title of Intel Chairman Andy
    Grove’s 1996 book Only the Paranoid Survive came to symbolize the
    relentlessly competitive attitude that helped make Intel a dynastic
    success. Over three decades, Intel’s fanatical focus on design and
    manufacturing excellence, and its big bets on blockbuster products have
    enabled it to dominate the microprocessor business and become a Silicon
    Valley legend. 

Microsoft Ranks Linux Second On Risk List

     Microsoft is taking the Linux threat seriously. So seriously, in fact,
    that open source software comes in at the number two spot on the
    company's top five list of risks. 

Linux to Overtake Unix, Leapfrog Windows, Analyst Says

     Linux will soon overtake Unix as the operating system of choice for
    several major enterprise segments, including high-performance
    computing, carrier-grade and mission-critical systems, and database
    hosting. That's according to a paper published in June by research firm
    Aberdeen Group Inc. 

ATX form-factor StrongARM SBC gains 30% speed, supports Linux

     Simtec Electronics has announced a thirty percent speed increase for
    its ATX motherboard form-factor, StrongARM-based single-board computer
    (SBC). The SBC is intended to be used as a development platform for
    prototyping applications such as set-top boxes, routers, CD
    duplicators, MP3 juke boxes, and NAS appliances, and server devices,
    and is supplied together with a full Debian GNU/Linux operating system,
    the company said. 

101 Reasons Not To Get A Tablet PC

    Lora writes "Here is a list of reasons we've heard people say why they
    don't want to buy a Tablet PC. We came up with a list of 101. (Not
    listed in any particular order.) There are probably more. Maybe you've
    got a few?" 

Mozilla.org forms new non-profit foundation

     Mozilla.org, the venerable keeper of the open-source Web browser
    flame, last week gave itself a "legal identity" with the creation of
    the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit corporation the group hopes will
    better coordinate its efforts to expand its end-user community. 

Computing: Logitech Cordless MX Keyboard & Mouse

PC Mods: Lian-Li Side Panel Aquarium Kit

Computing: USB Sharing Hub

Cube Goodies: LED Binary Clock

Gadgets: Ambient Orb Device

Cube Goodies: Desktop Retro Wind-ups

Cube Goodies: The Red Swingline Stapler

Cube Goodies: Futurama Tin Signs

Gadgets: FM Radio Pen

Gadgets: USB Memory Pen

Interests: Ph34r t3h Cute Ones Poster

Interests: Broken Miho Poster

Caffeine: Shock Triple Mocha

Caffeine: Brute Force Energy Drink

Caffeine: Chargers Caffeinated Espresso Beans

PC Mods: ThermalTake SubZero CPU Coolers

Computing: Archos AV120 w/ DVR Attachment

Computing: ICE-Cube Barebones Mini-PC

Cube Goodies: There's no place like bumper sticker

Cube Goodies: hacker. bumper sticker

Tkfp Windows 14 July 2003

    Tk_familypractice is a clinical Medical Records system, written mostly
    in Tcl/Tk. Some C, C++, PYTHON, PERL. For Family Physicians,
    Pediatricians, Internists or Primary Care. Used in a 4 doctor group for
    5 years. Network enabled. Tk GUI and web browser based interfaces.
    HCFA1500 claim form. Another new Windows version. Using the file
    notebook_start2.tcl, you can run all the windows now inside a tabbed
    notebook. The look and feel is now exactly the same as the Linux

pmd-jbuilder-1.1 released

    PMD is a Java source code analyzer. It finds unused variables, empty
    catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth. This release
    supports PMD 1.1. 

QmailAdmin 1.0.24 released

    QmailAdmin is a web interface for managing email addresses in virtual
    domains created by Vpopmail. This release includes more cleanup as we
    get closer to a stable release. Functional changes: works with non-idx
    version of ezmlm again, updated Japanese translation. 

wlandscape 1.0 build 0461 released 

    wlandscape 1.0 build 0461 is out with quite a few important bugs fixed
    and a lot of improvements added. Build 0461 introduces many new
    features. We have added the support of MapBlast again and integrated an
    offline browsing tool. From the developers point of view it is believed
    to be fairly stable. Wlandscape is a tool for collecting and
    visualizing access point data of public wireless networks in order to
    share it with anyone. The collected data is shown in really good maps
    and of course all for free. Wlandscape is free because it is released
    under the GNU General Public License. 

phpWebSite 0.9.3 released

    Developed by the Web Technology Group at Appalachian State University,
    phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management system. All
    client output is XHTML 1.0 and meets the W3C's Web Accessibility
    Initiative requirements. phpWebSite version 0.9.3 addresses stability
    problems from 0.9.2. There have also been many updates to resolve
    usability issues. Included with this release is a docbook user manual
    for end-users and a skeleton module for developers. Enjoy! The
    phpWebSite Development Team 

Combo Drive DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE 4X-DVD+RW+R 24X-CDRW (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $238.95 

A7N8X Deluxe Athlon Motherboard (Asus)

    Lowest Price: $117.94 

ZIRE 71 PDA (Palm Computing)

    Lowest Price: $252.00 

RADEON 9800 Pro 128MB DDR (ATI)

    Lowest Price: $349.00 

Tungsten T PDA (Palm Computing)

    Lowest Price: $219.99 

TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $2690.00 

Samsung 50" HDTV Monitor TV With DLP Technology - HLN507W 1280 x 720P Resolution 

    Lowest Price: $3429.79 

iPod 15GB MP3 Player (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $374.99 

X1 Multi-use Projector (InFocus)

    Lowest Price: $925.00 

DMR-E80H DVD Recorder (Panasonic)

    Lowest Price: $537.00 

Red Hat Linux 9 Personal (Full Product) (Red Hat)

    Lowest Price: $31.58 

Linux 9 Professional (Red Hat)

    Lowest Price: $114.99 

Linux 8.2 Pro Edition (Suse) (Global Marketing Partners)

    Lowest Price: $62.25 

Linux 8.2 Personal Edition (Suse) (Global Marketing Partners)

    Lowest Price: $30.69 

Mandrake Linux Standard ...... (Pearson Education)

    Lowest Price: $19.90 

Windows XP Pro(Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $133.00 

Windows XP Home (Full) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $83.00 

WarCraft III: Frozen Throne (Blizzard)

    Lowest Price: $19.75 

Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec)

    Lowest Price: $9.00 

Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft)

    Lowest Price: $97.98 

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written 
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