Figuring that 2.0 has been out long enough now that it must be time to upgrade 
from 1.2, i tried to build OSG 2.0 this evening.

The file VisualStudio/MUST_READ_ME.txt says to follow the instructions at 

Those instructions say:

1. Install CMake.  (I installed the current version, 2.4.)

2. Start the CMake GUI, and open the CMakeLists.txt from the root 
OpenSceneGraph directory in the "Where is the source code" field.

However, the 'Browse' button in the CMake GUI selects a directory, not a file.  
So, selecting CMakeLists.txt is not possible.  If one does directly paste the 
full path to CMakeLists.txt into the 'Where is the source' field, then CMake 
reports this error on Configure:

        Error: CMake Error: The source directory 
"C:/OpenSceneGraph-2.0/CMakeList.txt" is a file, not a directory.

I can only guess that either the CMake GUI has changed since OSG 2.0 was 
released (?) or the OSG build instructions are just wrong.

Has anyone else gotten 2.0 to build?  I realize that it is a relatively fresh 

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