I've tried redefining the manipulator directly and I tried with the main 
camera. Both methods fail to actually update the trackball's center & radius.


m_rpMainCamera->setViewMatrixAsLookAt( vnew_eye, vnew_center, vnew_up );


m_rpTerrainManipulator->setHomePosition( vnew_eye,v new_center, vnew_up ); 

What's the recommended way to do this?


- Nick -

> How can I make sure an object fits inside a camera view after loading a new 
> scene. All the examples load scenes and Viewer/Camera at startup. I want to 
> add nodes to an existing scene; not create a new one.
> My OSG tree looks like this:
>                                + File 1
>                                |
>              + Scene ----+ File 2
>              |                |
>              |                + File ...
> Root ----+
>              |
>              + Grid
>              |
>              + Axis
>              |
>              + HUD Camera
> (Both Root and Scene are Switch groups, so I can selectively show/hide their 
> children)
> The problem is that whenever I load a new file/node, it doesn't always show 
> up on screen. My guess is that some objects are outside the view volume. I 
> could write a simple function to update Scene's bounds and make sure they 
> fall within the fustrum, but I'm sure there's an existing method to do this...
> - Nick -

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