2007/10/1, Andy Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Although I sent stuff that started this, let me be specific.  Here are
> maci with the glu.h we use, and a bit about glu.h we don't use.  Here
> are also linux 32 bit and solaris 64 information.  I get the info from
> building Tessellator.i.
> On our Intel Mac build using CMake, we are getting
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Headers/glu.h
> gluTessCallback is declared as:
> extern void gluTessCallback (GLUtesselator* tess, GLenum which, GLvoid
> (*CallBackFunc)());
> The line that doesn't compile is:
>     gluTessCallback(_tobj, 100107, (GLvoid (*)(...)) vertexCallback);
> I think ... comes from the bit in GLU.
> ========
> There is another glu.h in /usr/include/X11R6/GL, but we aren't using it.
> It defines gluTessCallback as:
> extern void gluTessCallback (GLUtesselator* tess, GLenum which,
> _GLUfuncptr CallBackFunc);
> and _GLUfuncptr as:
> /* Internal convenience typedefs */
> #ifdef __cplusplus
> typedef GLvoid (*_GLUfuncptr)();
> #else
> typedef GLvoid (*_GLUfuncptr)(GLvoid);
> #endif
> ========
> Our 32-bit linux uses /usr/include/GL/glu.h.
> It declares gluTessCallback as:
> extern void gluTessCallback (GLUtesselator* tess, GLenum which,
> _GLUfuncptr CallBackFunc);
> and _GLUfuncptr as:
> typedef void ( * _GLUfuncptr)();
> The line that is failing is:
>     gluTessCallback(_tobj, 100107, (GLvoid (*)()) vertexCallback);
> ========
> And on Solaris I get /usr/include/GL/glu.h.
> gluTessCallback is:
> extern void gluTessCallback ( GLUtesselator * tess , GLenum which ,
> GLvoid ( * CallBackFunc ) ( ) ) ;
> The failing line is:
> gluTessCallback ( _tobj , 100107 , ( GLvoid ( * ) ( ) ) vertexCallback
> ) ;
> andy
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same as Robert and Leif,
Fedora 7
come from Package mesa-libGLU-devel-6.5.2-13.fc7

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