The problem I identified is a fix for building against 10.5 and the  
build process would have to be smart enough to test it.  It would also  
have to be smart enough to know when it is being built for X11 instead  
of AGL.  I hope Apple fixes the libGL.dylib bug because it has been a  
thorn in my side for several of the code bases I maintain.

Perhaps I didn't understand your solution, I thought your fix required  
installing a new version of freetype that linked against Apple's open  
gl instead of the X11 open gl.


On Oct 29, 2007, at 3:21 AM, E. Wing wrote:

> I haven't tried what  you suggested so I could be mistaken. But if
> James's problem is what I think it is, your above suggestion will
> either not work or could potentially cause other
> serious/hard-to-identify problems.
> The problem I',m identifying is a binary interface incompatibility
> between 10.4 and 10.5. The fix I checked in (which is actually much
> shorter than your solution because I just add an $(SDKROOT) variable)
> makes sure to look in the correct SDK locations for things. I suspect
> your fix is going to try to always link to the native system framework
> (10.5 in this case) which will cause a linking failure if you are
> building against the 10.4u SDK and is generally the wrong thing to do.
> But again, I could be mis-identifying the problem. I do recall a cycle
> problem kind of like what James described many months ago in a much
> older seed, but that problem was supposedly fixed quite awhile ago and
> I haven't encountered it since. (I put together a 10.5 OSG binary
> package as a test run against the last seed and I did not encounter
> any build problems as described.)
> -Eric
> On 10/28/07, Daniel Larimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There is a much easier work around to this X11 Open GL bug and that  
>> is
>> to add the following to the linking command.  I found this on the  
>> Fink
>> page documenting changes required for Leopard:
>>  -Wl,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/ 
>> Versions/
>> A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/
>> Versions/A/Librarie s/libGL.dylib
>> Dan
>> On Oct 28, 2007, at 10:55 AM, James E.Hopper wrote:
>>> the xcode project needs to be fixed.  we can no longer use the x11
>>> version of libfreetype as it causes a cycle error because it pulls  
>>> in
>>> the x11 version of opengl.  the ossim project has a universal
>>> libfreetype in their dependencies package.  link to that lets
>>> osgdb_freetype build cleanly.
>>> dependencies package can be downloaded at:
>>> best jim
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