Paul Martz schrieb:
>>> My advice: Don't use ShapeDrawable to draw spheres. Use Geometry 
>>> instead. The osgUtil Intersector classes work with Geometry because
>>> Geometry::accept() actually contains code.
>>>    -Paul
>> Hi,
>> the lineSegment-intersector and the planeIntersector definitely work 
>> with shapeDrawables. For picking spheres in a scene I would use a 
>> lineSegmentIntersector.
>> As for the polytopeIntersector in the example-code I don´t know, I 
>> haven´t tried that.
> ...except Robert has already publicly stated that the old line segment and
> plane intersection classes are now deprecated. In light of that, I would not
> advise developing any new code that uses them.
I don´t think so. It´s the osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor that´s 
deprecated. The LineSegmentIntersector and PlaneIntersector are both 
quite new and derived, like the polytopeIntersector you use, from 
> The best solution is to not use ShapeDrawables -- ever. They are not well
> supported for anything other than drawing.
The osg needs some replacement for standard-shapes like included in 
glut. In my case, the shapeDrawables do what I want, and thus I will use 


>    -Paul
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