Hi all.

I have a slight problem with the build of the collada plugin under windows.

The first is that its forced to be static, this I have reported earlier, so
there is a simple solution for that (the CMakeLIsts.txt is submitted to

The other is that one have to select either debug/release version of the
library in cmakesetup.

This library is picked up and used for linking both release/debug version of
the dae plugin.

This causes problems, as we are using the document created by the dae plugin
for reading physics from collada.

We are using debug and release libraries in our buildsystem to be able to
step through code etc...

So what happens is that during the osg build, either debug OR release of
libcolladadom13 is selected.

Then we use libcolladadom13d.lib in our debug relases.
Because of how collada is constructed (global/static variable shared between
all instances of collada) it crasches if you mix debug/release.

Ok, with all that said.
After investigating the cmakefiles of the dae plugin, I cant really make out
how to make it possible to use both debug as well as release when building
the plugin.

Currently the variable


is set, where COLLADA_LIBRARY Is the variable containing the full path to
the library file selected in cmakesetup.

Without some major refactoring, I dont see how to make it possible to use
the ordinary debug optimized procedure of linking to libraries....

Any ideas, thoughts?


Anders Backman               Email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HPC2N/VRlab                  Phone:    +46 (0)90-786 9936
Umea university              Cellular: +46 (0)70-392 64 67
S-901 87 UMEA SWEDEN         Fax:      +46 90-786 6126
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