Hi all,

have you tried compiling the plugins with "Embed Manifest = false" 
(under VS2005 Project Properties->Manifest Tool->Input and Output->Embed 
And then distributing the plugins without any manifests they should load 


Serge Lages wrote:
> Hi Mike and all,
> I am currently making some tests to redistribute one of our apps and I 
> have exactly the same problem.
> I use VMWare where I made a fresh install of WinXP SP2 (32 bits), of 
> course without any VS installation. Then I have downloaded your OSG-2.2 
> installation package and tried it, it can't manage to load the plugins 
> DLLs (I've setted the PATH variable as you mentionned). I've tested it 
> with spaces in the installation path and without. The only ways to make 
> it work (without installing the vcredist_x86.exe) are :
> - To copy the Microsoft.VC80.* directories into the osgPlugins-2.2.0 
> directory.
> - To copy all the plugins into the bin directory and delete the 
> osgPlugins-2.2.0 directory.
> I am really disapointed by this behaviour but it doesn't seems to have 
> another solution. :/
> -- 
> Serge Lages
> http://www.tharsis-software.com
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