El Friday 04 January 2008 11:20:30 omkaranathan r escribió:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to load some .3ds files in OSG. The model becomes white in
> colour when I turn off the lighting. Is this a known issue with .3ds files
> or is it that I am doing something wrong? I am attaching the .3ds file.
> Thanks
> Om

I think it's fine. If you convert the model to a .osg file through the osgconv 
program, you'll see that only materials are defined. When you disable 
lighting, you are discarding OpenGL materials, and using the OpenGL colour 
instead, which is white by default. See on the state set of every part of 
your model:

 StateSet {
        DataVariance STATIC
        rendering_hint DEFAULT_BIN
        renderBinMode INHERIT
        Material {
          DataVariance STATIC
          ColorMode OFF
          ambientColor 0 0 0 1
          diffuseColor 0.701961 0.635294 0.576471 1
          specularColor 0 0 0 0.4
          emissionColor 0 0 0 1
          shininess 51.2

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