I don't know if porting of OSG to OpenGL ES is really feasible, but at 
last I can give you one hint:

You can easily replace GL_POLYGON mode by GL_TRIANGLE_FAN.

regards Ralph

Charles, Oliver schrieb:
> Hello,
> We try to port openscenegraph to a device where only opengl es is
> available. 
> Does anyone know if this was tried before? And if - if the sources are
> available?
> If not - does anyone have experience or any hints with porting opengl
> applications to opengl es?
> The problem in detail is that many of the opengl functions used by
> openscenegraph are not available on opengl es , eg GL_POLYGON, Shading
> or any functions introduced in OpenGl 2.0. Is there any well performing
> algorithm to replace for example GL_POLYGON with eg GL_TRIANGLES (etc).
> Any hints would be helpful.
> With best regards
> Oliver and Andreas 
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