Hi Stephen,

I am a bit perplexed...

Stephen Northcott schrieb:
> Thank you so much for doing that.. OSG Compiles fine now.
> (I limited it to 10.5SDK for Intel for simplicity right now)
> Just thought you'd like to know that I get the following errors, which  
> I have dealt with by commenting files I don't need out..
> osgSim/OpenFlightOptimizer is not found.
> And I get some OpenGL errors for osg/Uniform.
> Basically GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3 is not 'declared in this scope', and it's 6  
> brothers and sisters.
> I noticed that in Uniform these defines are under a TODO: heading, so  
> you may be aware of that.
I did not get any of your errors, osgSim/OpenFlightOptimizer is not part 
of the xcode-project anymore, and the #GL-defines are defined in 
osg/GLExtensions. I get some warnings about unused local variables and 
wrong initialization order, that's all.

I added the offending lines of your example to the osggeometry-example, 
and it builds and links fine on my end, both for 10.4u and 10.5-sdk.

It looks like you are not using an uptodate source, or refererencing old 
versions of the osg-frameworks, perhaps some old frameworks are lurking 
around in /Library/Frameworks or ~/Library/Frameworks.

Both mentioned errors are fixed in current svn. So please check again 
your source-tree if it's current  and if there are any modified files. 
Please remove 
OpenSceneGraph/Xcode/OpenSceneGraph/OpenSceneGraph.xcodeproj and do a 
svn update to get a clean and fresh xcode-project and try again.

good luck :)



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