Thanks very much, I'm now developing a volume render project too. Hope 
your demo help me!

Tony Glover wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hi all,
>    I've just been revisiting the list a little lately, as I'm afraid to
> say that I know longer use OSG, but have used it successfully in the
> past and would recommend it.
> I've been seeing some interest in volume rendering/medical image
> visualisation and thought that I would let users download some software
> that I developed a while back for just such purposes. We formed a
> collaboration with a couple of companies and used the software to
> analyse genuine patient data. Anyway, to cut a long story short, it
> seems a shame just to let this sit on my external hard drive when
> someone else may get some usage out of it. You can download it from 
> here:-
> I can't offer any support I'm afraid as I'm currently very busy and
> don't stop by on the list all that often, but if you need any help you
> can always mail me and see what happens.
> Bare in mind that the software was the ongoing development of a
> commercial project and that the download version was very much a beta,
> but it may nevertheless offer someone a shortcut to a bigger, better
> project. It was developed for windows but should be capable of being
> ported as it uses OSG and Fox. The versions would be those that were
> current over a year ago, so it may also need some development to get it
> up to date (but at least it's free!).
> I will also be updating my website in a month or so, so the download may
> well disappear in a few weeks, so feel free to put the zip file
> somewhere more convenient.
> Hope it's useful to someone.
> Thanks,
> Tony.
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