Hello All,

We are using OsgDotNet and noticed a couple of things we would like to ask

1.  We noticed that the quat multiply is not exported in .NET.  We saw that
this was because of the OsgIntrospection not properly exporting some of the
overloaded operators, so there are probably other ones besides quat
multiply.  We were going to go ahead and implement it ourselves, but I
wanted to see if there was some standard way people were using to provide
for themselves these kinds of operators.

2.  We have some code that was written in straight C++ and OSG, building
some scene graphs we would like to include.  We WERE using Managed C++ and
our own OSG kinds of wrappers to make that interop work. Now we are moving
over to OsgDotNet and we were looking for a way to wrap stuff written in
C++.  Any way to do that?

-- Rick
osg-users mailing list

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