> If I generate with CMake the osg 2.2 solution, there are no build 
> configurations for  debug/release static. Do I have to transcribe the 
> settings from the 1.2 solution to 2.2 or  did I have to pay attention on more 
> things?
enable static-linking (or disables dynamic-linking, not sure the 
option's name) with ccmake and generate the solution-files. (There are 
no explicit static build configurations, the debug/release configs will 
build static libs).

Try to build the osg-libs, I got problems with multiple defined symbols 
with regard of OpenThreads in my app using the static libs of osg, if 
you encounter this, I can send you fixes for the CMake-files, and if 
they work for you we can resubmit them to osg-submission. (you are the 
first person requesting static linking of osg on windows :)

I edited the CMakescache.txt file (I don't know the exact name at the 
moment) to change to /MTd and /MT instead of /MDd and /MDd but this was 
only necessary to be compatible with other used libs on my end.

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