Hi Robert -- I've encountered an issue with osgGA mouse RELEASE events and
need some background info to determine whether this is a bug that requires a
fix or not.
When I receive a PUSH or DRAG mouse event, the button mask tells me which
button is depressed. However, when I get a RELEASE event, I get no
information about which button was released.
Perhaps this is a feature -- when the button is released, obviously no
button is down, therefore the mask is zero... Is this the design intent? If
so, I think this is a mistake. The fact that nothing is depressed can
obviously be inferred from the fact that the event is a RELEASE, so there's
no need to zero the mask (thereby deleting the information about _which_
button was released).
Or maybe this is a platform issue (I'm on Windows)?
Thanks for any info...
Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
http://www.skew-matrix.com <http://www.skew-matrix.com/> 
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