Hi Judie and Milan,

As others have mentioned in 2.x we officially dropped VS6.0 support.  The
motivation for doing this is two fold:

   1. Fixes to compile under VS6.0 entails modify code so its less clear
than proper Standard C++ code, items like
       the for loop variable scope being one classic example, or oddities in

   2. The number of developers using VS6.0 was getting smaller and smaller
to such an extent that few VS6 users
       were ever contributing fixes prior to releses, in fact for a numbers
of years its been the case that often no
       VS6.0 users would test pre releases/dev versions, only waiting till
after a release to chip in there was a problem.

Item 2 is the killer.  If people on niche platforms ignore the calls for
testing then its really down to them if support
for them is patchy.

Now if you guys are willing to start using SVN and the dev releases and
consistently get build fixes to use then perhaps we could start thinking
about putting VS6.0 support back in.  However, this needs to be a real
commitment, you can't expect others to pay in time for the luxury of you
using an outdated and broken compiler.


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