Hi. Robert.

Yeah. Great!  The western humor.

The misunderstanding may be caused by the time equation, because the time
for the mail is April 2nd as the time zone on my PC.  I am in the GMT +8:00
time zone.

To be honest, it would be evil if the "April 1st" joke were real in my mind.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Xiaodong Wu et. al,
> 2008/4/3 Wu Xiaodong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > How could the community do when the next  Microsoft Technologies, such
> > as DirectX changes like OS changes from Win95 to WinXp.
> The email about adopting Microsoft Technologies across the board was a
> April 1st spoof,  written to be almost plausible but also ridiculous at the
> same time, and once you realise it's a joke you know you've been had.  Such
> pranks are a tradition on April 1st every year in at least the UK and US.
> I'm not sure how long the tradition has run for or where it started, but
> it's been an ever annual amusement all my life.  Newspapers, television,
> friends, family, communities all get in on the act to try to pull best
> pranks.
> In this case prankster wasn't me, but an impersonator who went to the
> length of register a [EMAIL PROTECTED] email account and then
> subscribing this account with osg-users, and then posted his/her
> announcement at plausible timing.  As April 1st pranks go it was a pretty
> good one because it would be easy to just read it at face value before it
> sinks in that its April 1st and just a prank.
> So... the OpenSceneGraph hasn't really embraced MS technologies, its
> remains firmly fixed the world of open standards and any platform specifics
> will stay minimal and encapsulated as far as possible to prevent users being
> tied to any particular platform.  This means that the OpenSceneGraph should
> still compile on Windows95 through to Vista, from now unsupported operating
> systems like IRIX to latest versions of Linux about to come out.  Genuine
> standards provide continuity and portability which is which make it great
> for software that lives and useful life for a long time.
> Those who've been around the OpenSceneGraph community know that I'm a
> pretty outspoken supporter of open standards and portability.  They'll also
> know that I don't personally go anywhere near Windows boxes, and certainly
> don't have much patience with Microsoft only technologies or its
> questionable business its practices.  The prank was good because it reversed
> this all on its head, with a nod and wink to the current OOXML fiasco at
> ISO.
> So... the question is... who is the prankster????
> Robert.
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Xiaodong Wu
"'Xiao' means the time and the view when the sun rises and 'dong' means the
east in Chinese"
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