Hi Brian,

CullSettings is managed a bit more cleanly in 2.x with osgViewer, here the
master Camera's CullSettings are inherited down to renderer (which is still
SceneView but largely hidden) so you just need to do

The setLODSCale(float bias) methods parameter "bias" is inappropriately
named, and obviously didn't get updated when the name of this method changed
from setLODBias(float) quite a few years back.  Scale is actually far more
appropriate a name as a straight multiplication of the eye distance
(division in the case of screen size) is used.  I've just fixed the
parameter name to avoid any potential confusion.

You can play with LODScale interactively in osgviewer (in 1.2 and 2.3.x) via
the '*' and '/' keys that increase and decrease the LOD scale respectively.

As a general note LODScale is a useful tool when load is getting too high to
maintain performance.  It'll only be effective if your database has widely
uses LOD/PagedLOD.  There are other many ways to improve performance, what
to recommend depends upon your database type.

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