I've run into an issue in which it appears that having more than one off-screen rendering camera causes OpenSceneGraph to crash, and I was curious if I'm doing something wrong or if there's a workaround available.

I've got four cameras in the scene graph. Two are fbo cameras for shadow mapping, two are projective texturing cameras. The two shadow mapping cameras have ref_ptr's to the same node in the scene, and the two main cameras have ref_ptr's to the same node (but different from the shadow mapping cameras.)

The gdb output from attempting to debug the result, and what I get is:

#0  0xb7be86ca in osg::GraphicsContext::releaseContext ()
from /home/jpz/code/sacr-git/external/linux/OpenSceneGraph_2.2/lib/libosg.so.25
#1  0xb79771ed in osgUtil::RenderStage::draw ()
from /home/jpz/code/sacr-git/external/linux/OpenSceneGraph_2.2/lib/libosgUtil.so.25
#2  0xb7970dbe in osgUtil::RenderStage::drawPreRenderStages ()
from /home/jpz/code/sacr-git/external/linux/OpenSceneGraph_2.2/lib/libosgUtil.so.25
#3  0xb79858b4 in osgUtil::SceneView::draw ()
from /home/jpz/code/sacr-git/external/linux/OpenSceneGraph_2.2/lib/libosgUtil.so.25
#4  0x080ae972 in sacr::OSGWindow::draw (this=0x83a0978)
   at libs/Display/OSGWindow.cpp:136
#5  0x081a2311 in fltk::GlWindow::flush ()

Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

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