Since there are no references to the graphics contexts in the code, I can only imagine we have a single graphics context. I'll start trying to dig up some documentation on graphics contexts.

The application is multi-threaded, for what it's worth. Unfortunately, this code-base has got enough build up that I can't easily extract the scene from the visualization code. But at least I can start reading up on graphics contexts and see if that helps me at all.

Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi Jason,

There is way too little info to know what is going wrong.  One thing you need
to be careful of when managing multiple graphics contexts is that you manage
the contextID appropriately for each context.

However, you haven't specified if you have multiple graphics contexts.  You
haven't even mentioned whether you using the OSG multi-threaded...

The most I know is that you've rolled your own viewer based on FLTK and
SceneView.  Now this integration could have lots of issues in itself.   Why
not try out your scene graph usage in a standard osgViewer viewer code, at least
that why you'll be able to isolate one set of variables from the mix.


On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Jason Ziglar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've run into an issue in which it appears that having more than one
off-screen rendering camera causes OpenSceneGraph to crash, and I was
curious if I'm doing something wrong or if there's a workaround available.

 I've got four cameras in the scene graph. Two are fbo cameras for shadow
mapping, two are projective texturing cameras. The two shadow mapping
cameras have ref_ptr's to the same node in the scene, and the two main
cameras have ref_ptr's to the same node (but different from the shadow
mapping cameras.)

 The gdb output from attempting to debug the result, and what I get is:

 #0  0xb7be86ca in osg::GraphicsContext::releaseContext ()
 #1  0xb79771ed in osgUtil::RenderStage::draw ()
 #2  0xb7970dbe in osgUtil::RenderStage::drawPreRenderStages ()
 #3  0xb79858b4 in osgUtil::SceneView::draw ()
 #4  0x080ae972 in sacr::OSGWindow::draw (this=0x83a0978)
   at libs/Display/OSGWindow.cpp:136
 #5  0x081a2311 in fltk::GlWindow::flush ()

 Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

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