Thanks Robert,
I tried reading "sample.dem"  file in my sample program using
osgDB::readImageFile(), but not able to open it  (with the warning could
not find plugin ),  did my assumption of reading the ".dem" file as
image is correct or do i need to read the gdal supported files differently.

Robert Osfield wrote:
> On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Rahul Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>  What are the functionalities does new gdal plugin in OSG2.4 provides ?
>>  Can i read all the files which are supported  through gdal.
> Yes you can read all GDAL supported files.  The new plugin doesn't really 
> offer
> anything too different than the previous rev of the GDAL plugin though.
> If you want the full power of GDAL you are sill best using GDAL directly as
> VirtualPlanetBuilder.
> Robert.

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