Robert Osfield wrote on Friday, May 16, 2008 11:09 AM:
>> Is there any way I could get you to convince my coworkers of that? :)
> Convince them of what part of what I'm asserting?  The fact the Linux
> is going from
> strength to strength for vis-sim apps?  That WindowsXP is at end of
> life?  Or that
> Windows Vista performance is poor for OpenGL apps?

I wouldn't mind going toward Linux rather than Windows, but my coworkers
and supervisors would need convincing of that.

> I am curious what elements about Linux as the platform of choice for
> sims needs qualification?  File system performance?  Threading? 
> Scalability? Stability? OpenGL performance?

If you are refering to the "level D certification" I mentioned, it is
only concerned with visual quality and performance, and I believe is
entirely OS agnostic.

> I am also curious about the factors that hold developers back from
> deploying sims on Linux, i.e. even if Linux is superior at all the
> above, what prevents one from move to the platform?

One of the primary reasons I've heard is that graphics card driver
support is not as good as on Windows (i.e. lacking features, less
responsive to bug reports, etc.).

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International
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