
In my application I am using the osgManipulator classes to let the user translate, scale and rotate objects with the mouse. I used the osgManipulator example as a starting point, and I have successfully got my draggers, selections and command manager working nicely. So far so good...

My problem is that in addition to letting the user manipulate the transformation directly, I would also like to be able to set the transformation matrix within my code. For example, I would like the user to be able to type in precise, absolute coordinates for a translation, just like you can in 3D programs like 3DS Max, and have my program update the osgManipulator objects accordingly.

I've tried to do this by setting the matrix on the osgManipulation::Selection object, but this has unsatisfactory results, such as the dragger widgets not updating. Is there a proper way to do what I want? Any tips greatly appreciated!

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